Marine Biology 8th Edition By Castro – Test Bank
1. The lower limit of the intertidal zone is the:
A. Average high tide
B. Average middle tide
C. Lowest tide
D. Lowest edge of the rocky substrate
E. None of the above choices are correct: it varies according to type of substrate
2. The particular characteristic most widely used in classifying intertidal communities:
A. Type of tides
B. Relative exposure to air
C. Type of substrate
D. Type of seaweeds
E. Relative immersion by water
3. Regarding the origin of rocky coasts, it is known that this type of shore is present along:
A. Geologically young coasts
B. Coasts with high accumulation of sediments
C. Coasts along the mouth of large rivers
D. Geologically old coasts being covered by sediments
E. Coasts being affected by ice sheets
4. The sessile epifauna consists of:
A. Attached seaweeds
B. Pelagic organisms
C. Burrowing animals
D. Animals that crawl over bottom
E. Attached animals
5. Which of the following strategies is not used to avoid dessication in the intertidal?
A. Closing shells
B. Crowding in areas that are always moist
C. Burrowing into substrate
D. Mucus
E. Moving out of tide pools
6. A rocky shoreline would be most likely to be found in:
A. California
B. Massachusetts
C. Florida
D. All of the above
E. A and B only
7. Most sessile animals living on rocky shores are:
A. Deposit feeders
B. Carnivores
C. Detritus feeders
D. Filter feeders
E. Grazers
8. One of these organisms is expected to be relatively rare on a rocky shore:
A. Filter feeder
B. Carnivore
C. Primary producer
D. Grazer
E. Deposit feeder
9. If a rocky shore highly exposed to wave action is compared to a similar rocky shore that is a lot less
exposed to wave action, we should expect that barnacles living on the more exposed shore show a:
A. Wider vertical distribution
B. Narrower tolerance to salinity
C. Narrower tolerance to temperature
D. Narrower vertical distribution
E. Higher resistance to predators
10. Problems associated with emersion include:
A. Stable temperatures
B. Restricted feeding
C. Stable salinity
D. All of the above
E. A and C only
11. Byssal threads are used by mussels to cope with:
A. Dessication
B. Wave shock
C. Restricted feeding
D. Salinity changes
E. Temperature changes
12. One of these is more important than the others as a limiting resource in intertidal communities:
A. Space
B. Food
C. Nutrients
D. Light
E. Salinity
13. Vertical zonation on rocky shores is mostly the result of differences in tolerance to:
A. Wave action
B. Exposure
C. Predation
D. Light
E. Salinity
14. The upper limit of rocky intertidal communities is typically determined by:
A. Mostly biological factors
B. Mostly physical factors
C. Both biological and physical factors
D. Neither physical or biological factors
15. One organism typical of the upper intertidal on rocky shores:
A. Mussels
B. Barnacles
C. Sponges
D. Sea anemones
E. Periwinkles
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