Pharmacology A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach 11th Edition – Test Bank
Chapter 01: The Nursing Process and Patient-Centered Care
McCulation: Pharmacology: A Paint-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 11th Edition
1. All of the following would be coEXCEPT
Preported health history
Pest-reported and ofthe en
Financial barriers reported by the past’s caregiver
Viedos temerecord
Subjective disband on what patientsoflyers to the reported healthyandryngtona, and caregiver reported considered pulpective chitrave des financial bamers would be Viedo themedical record would be condered
DOP Cogative Levd Understanding Compethmaon)
TOP Uning Prog
2. The nurses uang data collected to deeper fervento achieve the modele outcomes Which of the wings the applying
Recognizing cons (
Generate sousons (planning)
When greeting onling these festies expected outcomes and othe ‘protodentofterestions to choos Recognizing cum (soles the garing of curs formation from the patient thethandiestyle practices which are import facts that there is ong chnical care droisoning hypothesis orgaand rack the guest goo dediyaking action movesinglementation ofangrein to accompli the expected outco
TOP Naing Procuring
3. As year-old child with type 1 diabetes melita babal repeated bortforpeo hyperglycemia The parents tell the surse that they can’t keep track of everything that has to be docare for child. The recitando management with thepand drawsupdaly check the These cere completed in
Andyor cues & ponitipo
Generaeusons planning)
Take action
Taking action through suring interventie tense grovides a health teaching, drug administration incarnandotheres necessary to the p accomplishing expected outcomes
DOF Cogusve Led Usentanding Comp
TOP Naing Pucen
MOC: NCLEX Mofen Car
4. The nurse is preparing to administer a medication and review the ‘chut for drug allergies, serum creatinine, and blood uresnitrogen (BUN) levels There’s action
reflective of which of the following?
Analyze cues & protize hypothes()
Take action
Generate su on planning)
Recognizing cues (involves gathering subjective and objective information about the patient and the med Laboratory from the patent’s chart would be condend collection of objective data
DIP Cogative Lerd Unterstanding Competendon
MOC NCLEX Masof Centre
5. Which flowing would be correctly categorized as shjective dat
Alistarupplements regularly used grovided by the pat
The ages of all household members to the patient
oual distary pando
Objective measured and detected by other person and wood includes als The other examples are
DIF Cogative Led Undang(Congo)
TOP Narang Poo
6. The suese reviews aptent and that the patiesos to be taken at den of the day. The develdly medicin chart and lists family member to put the patient’s illi allergier. This is an example of which
Recognizing cues (are)
Andyse cues & popot
Take action
Generaeusons planing)
Taking action (nervordert the patient to accomplish the
DIF Cogusve Led Applying Ac
TOP Muming Process Hunte
7. A patient who is hoped for chronic structive pulmonary see (COPD) wtgo home. The nurse and the patient discuss the pain and decide that the pat home whm able to perform self-care without dypara and hypoxia. This is an example of which
phase of the uning proces
Recognizing eses (are)
Andyse cues & beeps()
Take action)
Generate solution planning)
Orangling drining sort of interventions to achieve the most desirable outcomes, which, for their patient means being able to self-care acti
DIP Cogative Levdomp MOC NOLEX Mod Carr
TOP Nurturing Proon Pening
Apatient will be at home with ametered dosender, and these providing teaching Which is a correctly written expected outcome for the proce
The will demonstrate the correct or of a metered-door inhaler to the att
The newlltrach the paint how to admittedose
The patient will know how to self-adhening the
The patent well independently admit the medication wang the metered-dose nattheft
Expected outcomes must be patient-centered and clearly state the outcome with are
9. The surse is gesering solutions planning for patet who has chronic lung disease and hypoma The patent has been admittedford gem nonds above abar of 2 i The nurse generates an expected using “The will have oxygen the time of discharge from the hospital what is wrong with
It cannot be ele
The expected outcome is not realtic because the patientistul on roomar and should not be expected to attain that expected outcome by discharge from this option
DIF Cogue Lev MOC NCLEX Men Chest Carr
TOP: Husing Pong
10. The nurse is developing a traching plan for any paint who will begin taking an annypative drug that care and hypotension Which hypothes procuted by the uses appropriate that?
Defcientknowledge related to druge effects
Ineffective healthiacted to age
Reasoned knowledge retomedico de es
Rask for injury related to effects of the medication
Thienthanincreased risk for injury because of drug side effects, to this is an appropriate hypothens (problem) to dect the type of care and follow-up the patent will receve
DIP Cogative Levd Applying (Appl
TOP Marang Proceeds
11. Anler plentoaster medicatioungadence that requires m dextenty. The patent become frustrated and lack of of condence in performing
this task Which action will theтребов
theo keep trying until the end
Provide winstructions with each of the skill
Schedule multiple and practice each step party.
Teach the procedures family members who can administer the medication for the patient
Burom should be sentive to patient’s be of then traching skills. In this care, breaking the steps down into individual parts will help with this on level
DF Cognitive LevppingApplication MOC NCLEX Mango C
TOP uning Proceanning
12. A school-age child will begin taking a medication to be and three times daly The child’s parent teltheth a prenous use of the drug the child repeatedly forget to bring the medication home from school in mod evening does. What will the marie recommend?
medication preponed
Puming a note on the child’s lockhof
Aulong the gender id 7.5 mL maybees is the moming and 7.5 mL may le taken in the evening so that the comect amount is grees daly
Taking the non door to school every day and giving it to the school mureto
Forbury faith school-age children, it may be necessary to adjust the medication schedule to one that the nurse should ask the gronder if arenache poonble in this case, the mod effective revised schedule would not taking the medication whale at school Progate on the locker is not lonly to be effective rot comect to adjust the doon
DIF Cogusve Level App
TOP Running Process Murang tention Muang Process Planning
13 A high-school student regularly forgets to use a twice-dually inhaled corticoster to grevent asthma flares and is repeatedly admitted to the hotel. The child’s parent tells the north the child has been told that forgetting to take the medication cere frequent hospitals The
encourage the child to take respondility for tong the medication
brenforce the need to take presoned medications to avoid
puggen guming the inhaler with the child’s toothbrush tourneeth
get that there the medito uncreme complim
It is ingot to empower paises to take resposality for managing medicions Puting the medicontho can help this child remember to sit Telling the mokcations and reminding the child that furto doorworking Aling the charts to annister the medication doesnotenower the adolescent to take
DOP: Cognitive Levelping
TOP Pro Planning Pong ατα
MOC NOLEX Magnon Car
14. Anadilecest patient who has acne is gives aregises of topical medication and antic that generally clears up lenons to fewer than 10 within to weeks At follow the patient continue to have more than 25 on the chiptaff that the callising the marked Which stress belowscret the outcome?
“God of fewer than 10 lenons into 3 weeks inimet”
Ootatheme will be effective inte
Gothathetic mecanos ar presontefutes” othermitnet met”
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