Varcarolis Canadian Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 3rd Edition – Test Bank
Test Bank-Varcarol’s Canadian Psychiatric Mental Heating EP2003)
Chapter 01: Mental Health and Mental ess
Pollard: Varcarolis’s Canadian Prychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach, 3rd Edition
1. Which of the following is considered an Advanced Practice Intervention?
Condocting mental health assessments (MSA)
Prescribing prychotropic medication
Establishing therapeutis
4. hdvidualning mursing care glam
Registered nurses and registered prychiatric nurses can further their education at a baccalaureate level or at the graduate level (master’s doctorate) and become qualified to practise prydiatric metal bealth marning at two levels-basic and adranord-developing on their education preparation. Prescriptive privileges are granted to master’s-prepared Nurse Practitioners (NP) as they have takes additional advanced courses on prescribing medication. Appropriate sue of diagnostic tests must be completed as well as having hospital admitting privileges. Establishing therapeutic relationship, conducting mental health assessments (MSA), and individualizing nursing care plans are foundational pychiatric surving skills. Therefore, they are considered Basic-Level nerventions
DIF Copsitive Level Understand (Congre TOP. Nursing Process Implementation
MMSC: Client Needs Safe Effective Care Evi
2. Which has been identified as a prionty for national glans and strategies in peychiatric
mental health nursing in Canada?
Decrease in the aging population
Increase in cultural diversity
Role of the advanced practice muse
4. Shortage of physicians in road and urban areas
In early phases of strategic development, the Mental Health Commission of Canada idested cultural diversity as a priority for national plans and strategies Increasing cultural drvenity within Canada warrants dorper attention to culturally sade care and concern for the mental health consequences of colonization and racism. An aging population and shortage of physicians are important to future trends. The role of the advanced practior manseis continuing to evolve in peychiatric mental health ring in Canada
DO: Cogative Level
TOP using Process Outcome
MSC: Client Safe Effective Care
3. Which serves as the official guide for doing praticore?
Jernational Classification of Diseases (ICD-11)
Diagnostic and Statisticall of dental Disorders (D23)
A behavioural health reference
4. NazseQue online
The first Diagnostic and Statistical Manal of Mental Disorders (DS) was published by the American Psychiatric Association in 1952. Its purpose was to provide clinicians, educators, and researchers with a comframework to understand and communicate about mental disorders. With a comme indentinding about mental disorders, researchers and clinicians could work together in their attempts to improve care for people with mental illness. The canent DSM-5 serves as the official guide for diagnosing peychiatric disceders. The International Claufication of D (CD) sets the global health information standard for mortality and morbidity statistics. Clinicians and researchers use this classification system to define diseases, stady disease patterns, monitor outcomes, and subsequently allocate resources based on the prevalence of disease. The Canadian Institute for Health Information developed an enhanced version of the previous version, ICD-10 referred to as the JCD 10-CA period that version extends beyond defining and classifying diseases to describe conditions and situations that are not diseases, including for example, risk factors to health and prychosocial circumstances. A behavioral health reference manual and Mrsehe online are noted as official guides for diagnosis
DF Cogitive Level Apply (Applicatio
4. When locating the description and diagnostic criteria for assiety disorders, which resource
would have the most complete information? Mersing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
The ANA’s Pychiatric Mental Health Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice
4erational Statical Classification of Diseases and Related Math Problems
The D63-5 details the diagnostic crima for psychiatric clinical conditions and is the official guide for diagnoung prychiatric disorders. The other ordemons are good smoons but do not define the diagnostic onteria
DO Captive Level)
TOP Nursing Prooption
5. Which individuod is demonstrating the highest level of resilience?
An individual impressing their services who is having a difficult time coping with activities of daily Ining (ADL)
An individual who is in a depressed state after the death of their spouse
An individual who lives in a shelter for 2 years after their home is destroyed by a for
4. An individual who aviones and negotiates resources to support their well-being
A characteristic of mental health increasingly being promoted as essential to the recovery process is resilience. Resilience is a process and outcome of complex, cultural systems, rather than as an indidual capacity to overcome adversity. In this way, when exposed to adveruty, one’s reunor depends on the navigation and negotiation of resources that can support well-being. Resilience is closely associated with the process of adapting and helps people facing tragedies, loss, travana, and severe stress. An individual who is repressing their stressors may need support for developing coping strategies. It is important for the individual who is in a depressed stone after the death of their spouse to navigate and negotiate resources that can support their well being (eg. grief support or counseling) An individual living in a shelterneeds inmediate support and avistance when entering the shelter to navigate services and supports. Shelters are short-term resources.
DIF: Cognitive Level Apply Applic
TOP Nursing Pro
MSC: Chest Needs: Pychosocialategrity
6. Aciplinary team is working with two groups of patients diagnosed with depression. One group of patients receives supportive interventions and grychotropic medication (eg, antidepressants) The other group receives only prychotropic medication Outcomes are measured for each group. Which is being studied
b. Prevalence
4. Clinical epidemiology
Clinical epidemiology is a broad field that addresses studies of the natural history or what happens if there is no bratment and the problem is left to run its course) of an ill stodies of diagnostic screening tests, and observational and experimental studies of interventions used to treat people with the illness or symptoms Prevalences to numbers of new cases Comraders to having more than one mental disorder ata time. Jncidence refers to the number of new cases of mental disorders in a healthy population within a gives period
DO: Copati L
TOP. Nursing Proto
MSC: Closed Свое Европд
7. A category 5 tomado occurred in a community of 400 people, resulting in destruction of many homes and businesses. In the 2 years after this disaster, 140 individuals were diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Which term best applies to these newly diagnosed
4.Clinical epidemiology
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