Foundations of Mental Health Care 8th Edition Morrison-Valfre – Test Bank
TestBank-Foundation of Mahathon2005)
Chapter 01: The History of Mental Health Care
Morrison-Valfre: Foundations of Mental Health Care, Sth Edition
1. The belief of the ancient Greek philosopher Plano that the rational soul corolled the rational soul could be compared with the belief of the more recent peychological theorist
A Freud
4. Rosh
Sigmund Freud believed that mental illness was, in part, caused by forces both within and outside the personality Philippe Peladvocated acceptance of mentally ill individual as human beings in need of medical assistance. Alice Fisher was a Florence Nightingalese who cared for the metally ill and Dr. Benjamin Rash was the author of the book Desses of
DCF Coptice Level Compression
KEY: Pro Блер: Алением
TOP Early Tears
2. During the mid-1500s, betarions associated with metal illness wереге асаду acceded by godess This practiceled to
Classification of normal behaviors did not begin th faster the practice of more accurate recording of behaviors was begin Diagnoses, treatment guidelines, and any education regarding metalbeat disorders were not available during this period
DOF Coptice Level Knowledge
3. During the lamer pour of the 18th century, psychiatry became a separate branch of medicine. end treatment was greatly dumished by the French hospital doctor
4. Caner
Test Bark Foundation of MeteoMoon2003
Philippe Piel advocated acceptance of the mentally ill as well as geoper treatment Dorothea Dexcused for construction of metal bathhous Clifford Beerste the book And That Founds. President Canerestablished the President’s Commission on Mental Health in 1978.
DIF Coptice Level
TOP: talenthe 10th
Century: Alle
305C: Client Needs Pychosociety
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surveyed arms, jails, and alushouses throughout the United States, Canada, and Scotland and is credited with bringing about public awareness and ref
for the care of the mentally ill
Sigmund Freud
John Cade
Florence Nightingale
4. Dorothea Des
Dorothes Dix spent 20 years surveying ficilities that housed mentally ill individuals and is credited with major changes in the care of the colly Forud introduced the conorpt of prychoanalysis, John Cade discovered lithium carbonate for the beat of bipolar disorder, and Florence Nightingale trained saves in England in the 1500s
DO: Copatice Level: Knowledge TOP in the 19th Century
037 4
305C: Client Needs Pyrity
KEYoь Блер: Allenii
5. As a direct rent of Clifford Beers work and book, And That Found Italy, the Committee for Meund Hygiene was formed in 1900 with a focus on prevention of metililless and
ely detection of symptoms of metalles
education of cregnens
cvent treatment options
4 removing the signatched to metalless
Clifford Beers book reflected on las attemptaticide followed by the deplorabile care be proved for the end 3 years in mental hospitals Beers work and book used the consciousness of people throughout the country regarding prevention and removal of the stigua of having a mental illness. Early detection of symptoms, education of caregivers, and current treatment options regarding mental illness were not the focus of his book, nor were they a priority for the Committee for Mental Hygiene
DOF: Copie Level: Kowledge
TOP: 30 is the 20th Century
Pro Blair: Allenschini
305C: Cliest Seeds Purity
6. During the 1990s, who contratochorised clients to fill into a coma
that could last as long as 50 hours?
Humord therapy
2 Page
4. Amphetamine therapy
Imlin therapy was believed to contratschenis in the early 1900s Anphetananes were med to treat depression, and electrocomtherapy wasted for severe depression. Hamol therapy, which originated in ancient Greece and Rome, was a belief that metallerved from an imbalance of the mors of after earth
DOF: Cogutine Level: Knowledge
TOP lafences of War on Mental Health Therapies
KEY: Proces Step Assement
MSC: Cheat Needs Phycocy
7. In the 1930s, what mental health disorder electrocutive therapy (ECT) most often
used to eat?
Bipolar disorder
Severe deriv
4. Violent betunior
ECT was found to be an effective treatment for severe depression in the 1930s. During this period, schizophora was brated with therapy, and solent bellanor wastrated a lobotomy. In 1940, carbonate was discovered as a treatment for bipolar disceder.
DOF: Copie Level Knowledge
TOP lafences of War Metal Health Theropies
KEY: Procen 5тер: Аненшем
MSC Chest Seeds P
3. In the early 20th century, a froutal lobotomy was a common beatorut for violent belarion Which description of this procedure is sccurate?
A procedure that delivers an electrical sims to the frontal lobes of the brain
A surgical procedure that drills bolles in the front of the skull to drainf
A surgical procedure that severs the tones of the othe
4. A surgical procedure that inverts implants into the frutal lobes of the brain
A frontal lobotomy is a magical groordure in which the foul lobes of the brain seved from the thalam.
DO: Coputine Level: Knowledge forces of Wales Therapies
Procen 5тер: Аленшеи
MSC Chest Seeds P
9. In 1997. Compes passed the Hill-Buchiccothesent of
research on drugs for the of meath doceders
training of mental health professionals
constraction of psychiatric us in facilities throughout North America
development of community mental health clinics
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