Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals 6th Edition – Test Bank
Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Health Care Professional, de Chapter 1 An Overview of Informatics in Healthcare
1) A large healthcare organization is planning to implement a clinical information system. Wh should be considered when selecting this system?
A) Training on the system should be limited
Nursing staff documentation needs are the priority
C) The organization needs to meetiple competing demands
D) Laboratory data and pharmacy integration is considered nonessential.
Aver: C
Explanation: A) No evidence supports limiting training on the system
B) Every department in a large healthcare organization has an essential role in patient care
C) The healthcare organization today is a complex system fiaced with multiple, competing demunds
D) Every department in a large healthcare organization has an essential role in patient care
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Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need & Sub: Safe and Effective Care Environment Management of Care
Standards QSEN Competencies: VIA 1. Explain why information and technology skills are essential for sade patient care | AACN Essential Competencies: IV.7. Recognize the role of information technology in improving patient care outcomes and creating a safe care environment
NLN Competencies: Qulity & Safety | Nursing lanegrated Concepts:
Assessment Communication and Documentation
Learning Outcome: Provide an overview of the current state of bealthcare delivery.
2) The leadership team of a multisystem bealthcare organization are analyzing potential clinical documentation systems. Which demands should the team keep in mind when selecting the
system? Select all that apply A) Adopting new models of care
B) Eliminating digarities in care
C) Financing the system
D) Evening soles for practitioners
E) Ensuring quality, safety, and transparency
Answer. A. B. D.E
Explanation: A) The healthcare delivery system today is a complex system faced with multiple, competing demands. Among these demands are the need to adopt new models of care.
B) The bealthcare delivery system today is a complex system ficed with multiple, competing demands. Among these demands are efforts to eliminate disparities in care.
C) The bealthcare delivery system today is a complex system ficed with multiple, competing
demands. Financing the system is not an identified demand D) The healthcare delivery system today is a complex system faced with nagle, competing demands. Among these demands are evolving roles for practitioners
E) The healthcare delivery system today is a complex system faced with multiple, competing demands. Among these demands are the need for quality, safery, and transparency.
Page Ref: 1
Cogative Level Applying
Chest Need & Sub Safe and Effective Care Environment Management of Care
Standards QSEN Competencies: VLA. 1. Explain why information and technology skills are evsential for safe patient care | AACN Essential Competencies: IV. 7. Recognize the role of information technology in improving patient care outcomes and corating a safe care v NLN Competencies: Quality & Sadery Nursing Integrated Concepts: Planning Communication
and Documentation Leaming Outcome: Provide an overview of the current state of healthcare delivery.
3) The leadership team of a multisystem healthcare organization is hesitant to agree that the current electronic medical record should be replaced with one that would integrate information throughout the entire system For which reasons should the organization update the system?
Select all that apply
A) Decrease costs
B) Reduce staff turnover
C) Improve communication
D) Exabile the delivery of sade quality care
1) Ensure care is provided in an effective, efficient manner
Answer: A, C, DE
Explanation: A) Technology is a pervasive part of every aspect of society, including healthcare delivery. Health information technology (IT) provides the tools to decrease costs.
B) Technology is a pervasive part of every aspect of society, including bealthcare delivery. Health information technology (IT) is not identified as a mechanism to reduce staff tamover.
C) Technology is a pervasive part of every aspect of society, including healthcare delivery.
Health information technology (HIT) provides the tools to improve communication
D) Technology is a pervasive part of every aspect of society, including healthcare delivery
Health information technology (IT) enables the delivery of sade, quality care
E) Technology is a pervasive part of every aspect of society, including healthcare delivery. Health information technology (HIT) ensures care is provided in an effective, efficient manner.
Page Ref: 1
Cogative Level: Applying
Client Need & Sub Safe and Effective Care Environment Management of Care
Standards: QSEN Competencies: VIA 1. Explain why information and technology skills we essential for safe patient care | AACN Essential Competencies: IV.7. Recognize the role of information technology in improving patient care outcomes and creating a safecare environment
NLN Competencies: Quality & Safety Nursing Integrated Concepts: Planning Communication and Documentation
Leaming Outcome: Discuss the role that technology plays in bealthcare.
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