Chapter 11 Creating Developmentally Appropriate Classrooms: The Importance of Age and Developmental Status
1) Developmentally appropriate practices result from educational decisions based on:
A) knowledge of child development and learning.
B) knowledge of the strengths, interests, and needs of each individual child in a group.
C) knowledge of the social and cultural contexts in which children live.
D) all of these answers are correct.
Answer: D
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2) The publication of Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) was an outcome of efforts undertaken by the:
A) Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).
B) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
C) Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI).
D) Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).
Answer: B
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3) Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) guidelines are based, in part, on the principles of:
A) psychoanalysis.
B) behaviorism.
C) constructivism.
D) environmentalism.
Answer: C
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4) Identify a characteristic of Francis Parker’s child-centered approach.
A) Pupils were coerced to work at their individual jobs.
B) Students were controlled by their teachers or instructors.
C) School subjects and practical arts were correlated.
D) Students’ minds were portrayed as comprised of discrete faculties.
Answer: C
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5) Developmentally appropriate practice is effective:
A) only in teaching children of preschool age.
B) only in teaching children at the preschool and primary levels.
C) in teaching young children and students in middle schools but not at the secondary level.
D) in teaching students of all age groups.
Answer: D
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6) The term “cognitive structure” refers to:
A) the shape of a developmental disability.
B) the concepts, ideas, and understandings that a child constructs.
C) the concepts, ideas, and understandings that are given to a child.
D) none of these answers are correct.
Answer: B
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7) According to the constructivist theory of learning, motivation to learn emerges from the fact that:
A) a child’s cognitive structure is continuously challenged.
B) a child is forced to memorize facts.
C) a child has little to do.
D) a child is subject to external motivation techniques.
Answer: A
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8) A term referring to perspectives on children’s development that emphasize the importance of cultural influences is:
A) “cultural constructivism.”
B) “ethnoconstructivism.”
C) “social constructivism.”
D) “anthropological constructivism.”
Answer: C
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9) Which of the following is true of student-centered instruction?
A) use of small group organization
B) use of activity centers
C) provision for student choice
D) All of these answers are correct.
Answer: D
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10) In the constructivist approach to teaching, a teacher’s major role is to:
A) reward children’s appropriate behaviors.
B) evaluate children’s work.
C) support children’s curiosities.
D) answer children’s questions.
Answer: C
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