Marketing Principles 2nd Edition by William M. Pride – Test Bank
Distribution decisions
1. How do marketing-channel decisions influence the rest of the marketing mix?
AACSB Outcomes: Analytical; Communication
DF: M LO: 1 Topic Heading: The role of marketing channels
Type: KN
2. What is a marketing intermediary, and what are the activities that marketing intermediaries perform?
AACSB Outcomes: Reflective thinking
DF: E LO: 1 Topic Heading: The role of marketing channels
Type: KN
3. What are the three types of utility that marketing channels create, and what do they involve?
AACSB Outcomes: Communication
DF: M LO: 1 Topic Heading: Marketing channels create utility
Type: KN
4. In what ways do retailers add value to products?
AACSB Outcomes: Analytical; Communication
DF: M LO: 3 Topic Heading: Major types of retail stores
Type: KN
5. Compare and contrast department stores and discount stores.
AACSB Outcomes: Communication
DF: M LO: 3 Topic Heading: General merchandise retailers
Type: KN
6. Identify and describe three kinds of specialty stores.
AACSB Outcomes: Communication
DF: M LO: 3 Topic Heading: Specialty retailers
Type: KN
7. What is supply-chain management? How can it help marketing channel members?
AACSB Outcomes: Communication
DF: M LO: 2 Topic Heading: Physical distribution in supply-chain management and marketing strategies
Type: KN
8. Discuss channel cooperation and conflict, and explain how each might affect distribution channel functions.
AACSB Outcomes: Communication
DF: M LO: 6 Topic Heading: Channel leadership, cooperation and conflict
Type: KN
9. Why is a store’s location one of the most important strategic retailing decisions?
AACSB Outcomes: Communication
DF: M LO: 3 Topic Heading: Location
Type: KN
10. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online retailing.
AACSB Outcomes: Analytical
DF: D LO: 3 Topic Heading: Strategic issues in retailing
Type: KN
11. What is a store’s image, and how does it affect retailing strategy decisions?
AACSB Outcomes: Communication
DF: M LO: 3 Topic Heading: Store image
Type: KN
12. Identify and describe the criteria used for selecting transportation modes.
AACSB Outcomes: Communication
DF: M LO: 2 Topic Heading: Transportation modes
Type: KN
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