Maternal and Child Nursing Care 6th Edition London – Test Bank
Maternal & Child Nursing Care, 6e (London et al.).
Chapter 1 Contemporary Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Nursing
1) The nurse is examining different nursing roles. Which statement best illustrates an advanced practice mursing role?
1. A registered nurse who is the manager of a large obstetric unit
2. A clinical nurse specialist working as a staff nurse on a mother-baby unit
3. A registered nurse who is the circulating nurse at surgical deliveries (cesarean sections)
4. A clinical nurse specialist with whom other nurses consult for this nurse’s expertise in caring for high-risk infants
Answer: 4
Explanation: 1. A RN who is a nurse manager is not required to be an advanced practice nurse. RNs may have a high level of education but are not considered an advanced practice nurse by the American Nurses Association definition. They are not managing the primary care of a patient.
2. The clinical nurse specialist is an advanced practice surse but is not working in that role when in the clinical nurse role at the bedside.
3. The registered nurse working as a circulating nurse is not required to have an advanced degree. The role of the circulating nurse is a specialized role but does not require a higher level of education like the advanced practice nurse.
4. A clinical nurse specialist with whom other nurses consult for expertise in caring for high-risk infants would illustrate an advanced practice nursing role. This nurse has specialized knowledge and competence in a specific clinical area, and is master’s-prepared
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Cognitive Level: Remembering
Client Need Sub: Safe and Effective Care Environment/Management of Care
Standards: QSEN Competencies: IIB.4. Function competently within own scope of practice as a member of the healthcare team | AACN 2021 Domains and Competencies: 6.2 Perform effectively in different team soles, using principles and values of team dynamics. | NLN
Competencies: Teamwork, Knowledge, Scope of practice, roles, and responsibilities of healthcare team members, including overlaps | Nursing Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process:
Learning Outcome: 1.1 Identify the nursing roles available to maternal-newborn and pediatric nurses.
2) The nurse is investigating opportunities as a nurse practitioner. Which should the nurse identify as the major focus of the nurse practitioner (NP)?
1. Leadership
2. Tertiary prevention
3. Provide ambulatory care services
4. Independent care of the high risk, pregnant client
Answer: 3
Explanation: 1. The role of a nurse practitioner is usually directed toward patient care and not focused on leadership. The Nurse Practitioner can be in a leadership role, but it is not usually the degree that would lead to that type of position in healthcare.
2. The role of providing testiary prevention is not usually something the NP will provide. Tertiary prevention is usually community-based outreach. This is something an NP can do but does not require an advanced degree and can include other disciplines such as social workers, community activists, public health workers, and mental health workers.
3. A nurse practitioner (NP) often provides ambulatory care services to pregnant women, newborns, children, adolescents, and families. NPs do not necessarily have leadership positions or provide tertiary prevention. Certified nurse-midwives independently manage the care of women at low risk for complications during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. 4. The NP may be part of a team caring for a high-risk mother but would not be independently caring for her. A high risk patient will need to be followed by a physician along with an NP but not independently, NP’s must stay within their scope of practice and high risk patients may need care beyond that an NP can provide. Certified nurse-midwives independently manage the care of women at low risk for complications during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.
Page Ref: 2-3
Cognitive Level: Remembering
Client Need Sub: Safe and Effective Care Environment/Management of Care
Standards: QSEN Competencies: IIB.4. Function competently within own scope of practice as a member of the healthcare team | AACN 2021 Demains and Competencies: 6.2 Perform effectively in different team roles, using principles and values of team dynamics. | NLN
Competencies: Teamwork Knowledge Scope of practice, roles, and responsibilities of healthcare team members, including overlaps | Nursing Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process:
Learning Outcome: 1.1 Identify the nursing roles available to maternal-newbom and pediatric
3) The nurse wants to become a certified nurse-midwife. What is the role of the certified nurse-midwife (CNM)? Select all that apply.
1. Give primary care for healthy newboms.
2. Be educated in two disciplines of suning.
3. Give primary care for high-risk clients who are in hospital settings.
4. Obtain a physician consultation for all technical procedures at delivery.
5. Be prepared to manage independently the care of women at low risk for complications during pregnancy and birth
Answer: 1,2,5
Explanation: 1. The CNM is prepared to manage independently the care of women at low risk for complications during pregnancy and birth and the care of healthy newborns.
2. The CNM is educated in the disciplines of nursing and midwifery.
3. The midwife is not allowed to provide high-risk care per the certification provided by the American College of Nurse-Midwives. The certification states care of the low risk for complications for women or newborn
4. The CNM is an independent practitioner and is working within the scope and standards of practice. They do not need an order from a practitioner for technical procedures at delivery. They are allowed to do what they need to do without supervision
5. The CNM is prepared to manage independently the care of women at low risk for complications during pregnancy and birth and the care of healthy newborns.
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Cognitive Level:
Client Need Sub Safe and Effective Care Environment/Management of Care
Standieds: QSEN Competencies: IB.4. Function competently within own scope of practice as a member of the healthcare team | AACN 2021 Domains and Competencies: 6.2 Perform effectively in different team roles, using principles and values of team dynamics. | NLN Competencies: Teamwork: Knowledge: Scope of practice, roles, and responsibilities of healthcare team members, including overlaps | Nursing lategrated Concepts: Nursing Process:
Learning Outcome: 1.1 Identify the nursing roles available to maternal-newborn and pediatric
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