CHAPTER 11: Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination
1. The ________ test has been shown to reveal unconscious prejudices of people who say they advocate universal equality for all groups.
a. implicit association c. internal attitudes
b. draw-a-person d. true beliefs
ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Characterizing Intergroup Bias
OBJ: 11.1C MSC: Remembering
2. Sarah took the implicit association test (IAT) and found that she responded faster when “strong” words were paired with male names, compared with when “strong” words were paired with female names. What does this finding suggest?
a. Sarah holds an implicit belief that women are stronger than men.
b. Sarah holds an implicit belief that men are stronger than women.
c. Sarah holds an implicit belief that male names are more attractive than female names.
d. Sarah does not have any stereotypes about gender and strength.
ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: Characterizing Intergroup Bias
OBJ: 11.1C MSC: Applying
3. Recall that one study asked prejudiced and unprejudiced white participants to evaluate black and white college applicants (identified by photos attached to their applications) whose qualifications varied. What did this study show?
a. Both prejudiced and unprejudiced participants rated black applicants with excellent qualifications less favorably than white applicants with excellent qualifications.
b. When the applicants had mixed qualifications (that is, they excelled at some things and did not excel at others), prejudiced participants rated the black applicants less favorably than the unprejudiced participants.
c. Even when the applicants had excellent qualifications, prejudiced participants rated the white applicants more favorably than they rated the black applicants.
d. Prejudiced and unprejudiced participants did not differ in their ratings of white and black applicants, regardless of applicants’ qualifications.
ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: Characterizing Intergroup Bias
OBJ: 11.1B MSC: Remembering
4. Recall that Peter Glick and Susan Fiske studied positive and negative stereotypes about women in nineteen different countries. They found that
a. benevolent sexism cannot coexist with hostile sexism.
b. negative stereotypes have troublesome consequences, but positive stereotypes do not.
c. positive stereotypes can have troublesome consequences.
d. ambivalent sexist attitudes are easy for people to change.
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Characterizing Intergroup Bias
OBJ: 11.1B MSC: Remembering
5. Stereotypes are
a. unspoken feelings of animosity toward certain groups.
b. negative behaviors directed toward members of particular groups.
c. negative affective responses toward certain groups.
d. generalizations about groups that are often applied to individual group members.
ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: Characterizing Intergroup Bias
OBJ: 11.1A MSC: Remembering
6. Modern racism in the United States is characterized by
a. prejudice directed at other racial groups that coexists alongside a rejection of explicitly racist beliefs.
b. possessing explicitly racist beliefs that encourage outgroup favoritism.
c. competition between racial groups that results from scarce resources.
d. discrimination against majority group members.
ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Characterizing Intergroup Bias
OBJ: 11.1B MSC: Remembering
7. Janet believes that all Asians are polite and good at math. Janet is engaging in
a. discrimination. c. prejudice.
b. stereotyping. d. hostile racism.
ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: Characterizing Intergroup Bias
OBJ: 11.1A MSC: Applying
8. Bill’s belief that all African Americans are good at sports exemplifies ________. Bill’s refusal to hire African Americans exemplifies ________.
a. discrimination; ethnocentrism c. stereotyping; discrimination
b. prejudice; stereotyping d. racism; modern racism
ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Characterizing Intergroup Bias
OBJ: 11.1A MSC: Applying
9. Which of the following research findings provides the best evidence that a person’s responses on the IAT are likely to be predictive of discriminatory behavior?
a. IAT scores and scores on the Modern Racism Scale tend not to be highly correlated.
b. IAT scores are significantly correlated with neural activation of the amygdala.
c. IAT scores are significantly correlated with the degree to which participants speak to and smile at a white versus black experimenter.
d. Both young and older participants show prejudice in favor of the young on the IAT.
ANS: C DIF: Difficult REF: Characterizing Intergroup Bias
OBJ: 11.1C MSC: Evaluating
10. According to the economic perspective, intergroup hostility is particularly likely to occur when
a. groups must work together to meet a superordinate goal.
b. material resources are scarce.
c. the economy is thriving.
d. groups value different types of material resources.
ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: The Economic Perspective
OBJ: 11.2A MSC: Understanding
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