Chapter 11
Analysis of Covariance, Multivariate ANOVA, and Related Multivariate Analyses
11.1. The general linear model (GLM) is the foundation for which of the following statistical analyses?
a. t-tests
c. Multiple regression
*d. All of the above
11.2. Which of the following type of sums of squares within the GLM is the basic (default) type for most analyses?
a. Type I
b. Type II
*c. Type III
d. Type IV
11.3. A covariate in ANCOVA is:
a. Always a pretest measure of the outcome variable
b. A second dependent variable
c. An interaction term
*d. A variable the researcher wants to statistically control
11.4. Which of the following statements is true?
*a. Adjusted means reflect group means on an outcome, net of the effect of covariates.
b. Adjusted means cannot be computed when the covariate is a pretest measure of the outcome.
c. The null hypothesis in ANCOVA is that the unadjusted group means are equal.
d. If unadjusted group means are equal, the adjusted group means will also be equal.
11.5. An assumption in ANCOVA that is not an assumption in ANOVA is that:
a. The dependent variable is normally distributed
*b. The regression of the dependent variable on the covariate is equal across groups
c. Variances across groups are equal
d. Participants were randomly selected from their respective populations
11.6. Technically, for which of the following designs is ANCOVA most appropriate?
a. A time series design
*b. A randomized controlled pretest–posttest design
c. A case-control design
d. A nonequivalent control group design
11.7. Effect size for adjusted group differences in ANCOVA is reflected in which of these indexes?
a. R2
b. eta2
*c. Partial eta2
d. Beta weights
11.8. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Change scores are used as the dependent variable in ANCOVA.
b. Change scores are used as the covariate in ANCOVA.
*c. Change scores tend to be less reliable than scores on the original measures used to compute them.
d. An advantage of change scores is that they are not susceptible to floor or ceiling effects.
11.9. Which of the following is not a test statistic for MANOVA?
*a. Bartlett’s test
b. Hotelling’s trace
c. Wilk’s lambda
d. Pillai’s trace
11.10. Which of the following statements about MANOVA is not true?
a. The independent variable in MANOVA is a nominal (categorical) variable.
b. Individual dependent variable’s contribution to significant MANOVA results can be evaluated through stepdown analysis.
c. MANOVA works best when dependent variables are highly negatively correlated.
*d. There can be multiple dependent variables, but only one independent variable in MANOVA.
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