Varcarolis Canadian Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 2nd Edition – Test Bank
Chapter 01: Mental Health and Mental Illness
Halter: Varcarolis’s Canadian Poschiatric Mental Health Nursing, 2nd Edition
1. A staff nurse completes orientation to a psychiatric unit. Which of the following would the nurse expect as an advanced practice intervention?
Conduct mental health assessments
b. Prescribe psychotropic medication
c. Establish therapeutic relationships
4. Individualize nursing care plans
Prescriptive privileges are granted to master’s-porgsord nurse practitioners who have taken special courses on prescribing medication, thus it is an advanced-practice intervention The surve prepared at the basic level is permitted to perform mental health assessments, establish relationships, and provide individualized care planning
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Compeebrasion)
TOP Narning Process Implementation MSC Client Needs Safe Effective Care Environment
2. When arving student expresses concerns about how mental health nurses “lose all their marsing skilh,” which of the following is the best response by the mental health nurse?
“Psychiatric surses practise in sader environments than other specialties. Narse-to-patient ratios must be better because of the nature of the patients
“Psychiatric meses e complex communication skills as well as critical thinking to solve multidimensional problems. I am challenged by those situations.”
c. “That’s a misconception. Psychiatric nurses frequently use high-technology monitoring equipment and manage complex intravenous therapies.”
4. “Psychiatric surses do not have to deal with as much pain and suffering as medical-surgical nurses do. That appeals to me.”
The practice of psychiatric sursing requires a different set of skills from medical-surgical marsing, though there is substantial overlap. Two domains relate specifically to psychiatric nursing: behavioural, including communication, coping, and education, and safety. covering crisis and risk management. Basic psychosocial nursing concepts are central to psychiatric nursing practice and increase your competency as a practitioner in all clinical settings. Whatever setting you choose to work in, you will have the opportunity to improve the lives of people who are experiencing mental illness as an additional challenge to their bealth
Your experience in the mental health nursing station can help you gain insight into yourself and greatly increase your insight into the experiences of others. This part of nursing education can provide guidelines for and the opportunity to learn new skills for dealing with a variety of challenging behaviours. Prychosocial pain and suffering are as real as physical pain and suffering.
DIF: Cogative Level Apply (Application)
TOP Naing Prompton MSC: Client Needs Sade Effective Care Environment
3. When a new bill introduced in Parliament reduces funding for care of people with mental illness, a group of people with mild mental illness wine letters to their elected representatives in opposition to the legislation for all people with mental illness. Which role does this action portray?
b. Self-care
4. Social action
An advocate defends or asserts another’s cause, particularly when the other person lacks the ability to do that for himself or herself. On a community scale, advocacy includes political activity, public speaking, and publication in the interest of improving the human condition. Since funding is necessary to deliver quality programming for people with mental illness, the letter-writing campaign advocates for the cause for all people with mental illness
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comgerbrasion)
MSC: Cheat Needs: Safe Effective Care Environ
TOP Nursing Proces pestation
4. Which of the following has been identified as a significant trend that will affect the future of psychiatric mental health nursing in Canada
Decrease in the aging population
Increase in cultu diversity
c. Role of the advanced-practice mu
d. Shortage of physicians in rural and urban areas
Four significant trends have been identified that will affect the future of psychiatric mental health nursing in Canada these include an aging population, an increase in cultural diversity, expanding technology, and an increased awareness of the impact of the determinants of health on mental illness.
DIF: Coptive Level: Understand (Combo)
TOP: Nousing Procedures: Allenia
MSC Cheat Needs Safe Effective Care
5. Which assessment finding most clearly indicates that a patient may be experiencing a mental illness?
The patient reports occasional sleeplessness and anxiety.
The patient reports a consistently sad, discouraged, and hopeless mood
c. The patient is able to describe the difference between as if and “for real”
d. The patient perceives difficulty making a decision about whether to change jobs
The correct response desonbes a mood alteration, which reflects mental illness. Alterations in cognition, mood, or behaviour that are coupled with significant distress and impaired functioning characterize mental illness. The distracters describe behaviours that mentally healthy or within the usual scope of human experience
DIF: Cognitive Level Apply (Application)
TOP using Prosen: Аленнишест
MSC: Chet Ned: Prychosocial lategrity
6. Which finding best indicates that the goal “Demonstrates mentally healthy behaviour was achieved?
A patient sees self as capable of achieving ideals and meeting demands.
A patient belaves without considering the consequences of personal actions
A ganent aggressively meets own needs without considering the rights of others
4. A ganiest seeks help from others when assuming responsibility for major areas of own life
The comect response describes an adaptive, healthy behaviour. The WHO defines mental Health as a state of well-being in which each individual is able to realize his or her own potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and make a contribution to the community” (World Health Organization, 2010). The distracters describe maladaptive behaviours
DO: Cognitive Level Apply (Application)
TOP. Noring Proo
MSC: Cheat Needs: Prychosocial lanegaty
7. A nurse encounters an unfamiliar psychatne dorder on a new patient’s admission form Which resource should the nurse consult to determine criteria used to establish this diagnosis?
Jternational Statistical Classflration of Diseases and Related Health Problems
Diagnostic and Statutical Mamal of Mental Disorders (DS34-5)
A behavioural health reference manual
NurseOne online
The DS34-5 gives the oneria used to diagnose each mental disorder. The distracters may not contain diagnostic criteria for a psychiatric illness.
DIF: Cognitive Level Apply (Application)
TOP: Narning Pro
MSC: Client Needs Sade Effective Cat
8. A nurse wants to find a description of diagnostic criteria for anuty disorders. Which resource would have the most complete information?
Nursing Outcomes Classification (МОС)
Diagnostic and Statstical Manual of Mental Disorders (D534-5)
The ANA’s Pychiatrie-Mental Health Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice
International Statistical Classication of Diseases and Related Mealsh Problems (ICD-10)
The D536-5 details the diagnostic criteria for psychiatric clinical conditions and is the official guide for diagnosing psychiatric disorders. The other references are good resources but do not define the diagnostic crea
DO: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprension)
TOP Nursing Process
MSC: Clindade Effective Care Evo
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