Maternal and Child Health Nursing 8th Edition By Pillitteri – Test Bank
Maternal & Child Health Nursing:
Care of the Childbearing & Childrearing Family 9th Edition
Maternal & Child Health
Chapter: 1
Multiple Choice
1. A program designed to decrease the infant mortality rate in the United States would probably make the greatest impact if it focused on which aspect of care?
A) offering increased WICC availability
B) reducing the number of home births
C) increasing the education level of parents
D) increasing the number of women receiving pornatal care
Ans D
Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Apply
Page: 11
Feedback: Receiving prenatal care has proven to be a major strategy for reducing indi mortality. The other interventions will not directly impact infot mortality rates to the degree that prenatal care will.
2. What is a current trend in child health care?
A) Childern are hospitalized for observation more than gerviously.
B) Health promotion rather than health pestoration is stressed.
C) Child health care is moving out of regionall centers.
D) Nursing roles are decreasing because of the increasing role of families.
Ans B
Cheat Needs: Safe, Effective Care Environment Management of Care Cognitive Level: Remember
Page: 16
Feedback It is recognized that keeping individuals well is more cost effective for a system than helping ill individuals return to wellness.
3. The nurse is running an education program for early grade-school childern Which topic
would address the number one cause of death for this age group?
A) The importance of crossing streets safely
B) The importance of immunizations
C) Prevention of infection and communicable disease
D) Exercise and good nutrition
Ans: A
Client Needs: Physiological Integrity: Reduction of Risk Potential
Cognitive Level: Apply
Page: 11
Feedback: Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death in this age group.
4. Which trend is currently influencing maternal and child healthcare?
A) An expansion of community based services
B) Closure of regionalized healthcar orters
C) The availability of additional family support
D) A reduction in the number of latch key kids
An A
Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Remember
Page: 15-16
Feedback: The trend for community care is increasing because it has the potential to provide cost-effective health promotion disease prevention patient care services to large numbers of children and families in an environment that is familiar to them. Regionalization of care is increasing because of the need for more specialized or advanced come. There is also an increase in the number of mothers who must work outside the home because they do not have extended family members to provide care for their children. This has resulted in an increase in the number of latchkey children left home alone after school while their mother works.
5. Which statement correctly defines the term “perinataldeath rate?
A) Number of deaths in utero of a fetus 500 g or more per 1000 live births
B) Number of deaths per 1000 live births occurring in the first days of life
C) Number of deaths per 1000 live births occurring at birth or in the first 12 months of life
D) Number of deaths per 1000 live births beginning when the fetus peaches 500 g and ending
28 days adhere
Ans: D
Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Remember
Page: 10
Feedback: The term “perinatal” refers to the time of birth and that closely following it or the time “around buth
6. A nurse is doing a literature search on maternal mortality and finds that direct causes comprise the majority of maternal deaths. Direct causes are noted to be unpredictable reasons. Which action would be most appropriate to implement that would have the greatest impact on
seducing these numbers? A) Practicing high standards of infection control
B) Monitoring maternal glucose levels in mothers with type 1 diabetes.
C) Referring to a cardiologist for any arrhythmias.
D) Administering oxytocic medications for increased postpartum bleeding
E) Beginning antibiotics prior to birth for a febrile mother.
Ans: A
Client Needs: Physiological stegnity Reduction of Risk Potential
Cognitive Level: Analyze
Page: 12
Feedback: Few women die giving birth in a developed countries, but it still happens. Health care providers can have the greatest impact on reducing these numbers by implementing good infection control measures, appropriate use of antibiotics during labor and postpartum periods. and use of oxytocics for maternal bleeding to prevent hemorrhage. Diabetes and cardine hythmias are not considered direct causes, that is, they are known and predictable.
7. Which statement best describes the pattern of maternal mortality since World War II?
A) has steadily decreased
B) It has remained constant
C) It has steadily increased
D) After decreasing until the 1960s, it has increased steadily.
Ans: A
Client Needs Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive Level: Apply
Page: 12
Feedback: Improved pornatal care and early ambulation after birth are factors that have decreased maternal death rates following birth over the past 70 years.
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