Chapter 11
Multiple Choice
1. The function of proprioception is to provide information about:
a. Movement and position of body and limbs (*)
b. Orientation of the head
c. Movement and position of head
d. Touch, pain, heat, and cold
2. The somatosenses include:
a. The vestibular sense
b. Proprioception
c. The skin senses
d. All of the above (*)
3. The ___detect(s) movement of body parts.
a. proprioception sense (*)
b. skin senses
c. vestibular sense
d. interoceptive sense
4. The individual in the opening chapter vignette lost virtually all motor control because the control of our muscles and hence our limbs and bodies is heavily influenced by and has to be integrated with our ___.
a. proprioception sense (*)
b. vestibular sense
c. skin senses
d. visceral sense
5. Proprioception is the modern version of the Latin term propriux, which means ___.
a. “know thyself”
b. “my soma”
c. “belonging to one’s self” (*)
d. “I yam what I yam”
6. What kind of sensory receptors respond to pain, heat, and cold?
a. Receptors for the skin senses (*)
b. Receptors for the visceral senses
c. Receptors for proprioception
d. Polymodal receptors
7. Which somatosense includes sensitivity to stimuli that involve touch, warmth, cold, and pain?
a. Skin senses (*)
b. Proprioceptive sense
c. Vestibular sense
d. Visceral sense
8. Painful events are detected by:
a. Free nerve endings (*)
b. Merkel’s disks
c. Meissner’s corpuscles
d. Pacinian corpuscles
9. Meissner’s corpuscles and Merkel’s disks are two types of:
a. Pain receptors
b. Visceral pain receptors
c. Touch receptors (*)
d. Free nerve endings
10. A person lacking free nerve endings would still be able to:
a. React to a needle stick during a blood draw
b. Drop a hot pan
c. Determine the shape of an object placed in his/her hand (*)
d. All of the above
11. As a blind person learns to read Braille, he or she is relying on discriminations based on shallow responses from:
a. Meissner’s corpuscles and Ruffini endings
b. Merkel’s disks and Pacinian corpuscles
c. Pacinian corpuscle and Meissner’s corpuscle
d. Meissner’s corpuscles and Merkel’s disks (*)
12. When you drive a car and adjust your grip on the steering wheel, you are using your deeper:
a. Pacinian corpuscles and Ruffini endings (*)
b. Meissner’s corpuscles and Merkel’s disks
c. Merkel’s disks and Ruffini endings
d. Meissner’s corpuscles and Ruffini endings
13. The TRPV1 heat pain receptor also responds to the chemical ___, found in hot peppers.
a. bitumen
b. capsaicin (*)
c. magnesium
d. habaneroin
14. Free nerve endings detect___.
a. vibration
b. temperature and pain (*)
c. movement
d. light touch and stimulation of hairs
15. Free nerve endings all contain:
a. CLK families of receptor binding sites
b. TRP families of protein ion channels (*)
c. The same receptor binding site
d. The same protein ion channel
16. Temperature is detected by ___.
a. Transient receptor potential ion channels
b. Separate cold and warmth receptors
c. Free nerve endings
d. All of the above (*)
17. The receptive organs of the vestibular sense are the:
a. Cupula, otoliths, and ampule
b. Cupula, saccule, and utricle
c. Utricle, saccule, and the semicircular canals (*)
d. Semicircular canals, cupula, and the otoliths
18. The utricle and the saccule are:
a. Two of the semicircular canals
b. Chambers at the base of the vestibular sacs
c. Chambers at the base of the semicircular canals (*)
d. Otoliths
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