Business Communication Now 4th Canadian Edition By Findlay – Test Bank
Chapter 11
Writing Proposals and Reports
Multiple Choice Questions
- Which of the following parts of the formal report would be the BEST place to include proof for the recommendations?
B. Executive Summary
C. Body
D. Introduction
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective: 11-05 Explain the functions of the different parts of formal reports.
Topic: 11-26 Body
- You are writing a report that recommends that your company organize a fundraising campaign to aid several hundred people in your community whose homes have been destroyed by the worst flood your city has ever seen. You anticipate that readers will be very supportive of your recommendation. Which of the following is the BEST title for your report?
A.Creating a Campaign to Fund Flood Recovery Efforts
B. ABC Corporation and the Flood
C. Supporting Flood Victims
D. Money Required to Do Our Part
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective: 11-05 Explain the functions of the different parts of formal reports.
Topic: 11-21 Title Page
- You are writing a report on a vegetarian restaurant on the north side of town, contrasting its success with the failure of a vegetarian restaurant on the south side of town that is owned by the same person. You believe that the most crucial area to examine is the traffic flow pattern, and plan to focus on it. Where would you explain this focus?
A.Scope section
B. Limitations section
C. Assumptions section
D. Methods section
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective: 11-05 Explain the functions of the different parts of formal reports.
Topic: 11-26 Body
- In a report on the grade inflation on your campus, you distributed a questionnaire to 250 students and interviewed students, faculty, and the dean for undergraduate studies. Where would you include this information?
A.Scope section
B. Limitations section
C. Assumptions section
D. Methods section
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective: 11-05 Explain the functions of the different parts of formal reports.
Topic: 11-26 Body
- Which of the following options should NOT be included in an information report?
A.An introductory paragraph summarizing the problems or successes of the project
B. A discussion of alternate solutions to the problem, and the likelihood of their success
C. A chronological account of how the problem was discovered, what was done, and what the results were
D. A concluding paragraph with suggestions for later action
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective: 11-02 Explain how to organize different kinds of reports.
Topic: 11-03 Information and Closure Reports
- Which of the following options is NOT a good reason to discuss alternatives separately in a feasibility report?
A.Alternatives are themselves indivisible, so you can’t pull them apart and discuss their components separately
B. One alternative is clearly superior
C. The criteria interact, so you need to keep alternatives separate in order to examine the interaction of criteria in each one
D. The choice depends on the weight given to each criterion, so the most logical structure is to discuss the best alternative first
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective: 11-02 Explain how to organize different kinds of reports.
Topic: 11-04 Feasibility Reports
- Which of the following is NOT a political purpose for progress reports?
A.Complimenting your audience
B. Enhancing your image
C. Floating trial balloons: testing audience reception of new ideas
D. Minimizing potential problems
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective: 11-02 Explain how to organize different kinds of reports.
Topic: 11-07 Trip, Conference, and Workshop Reports
- Billie is writing a proposal for a class project that focuses on maximizing click-through rates for online campus advertisements. Within her proposal, she notes that she needs additional information from the IT department in order to thoroughly investigate her problem. In which of the following proposal sections should she place this information?
A.The problem section
B. The feasibility section
C. The topics to investigate section
D. The qualifications/facilities/resources section
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective: 11-03 Identify seven questions a proposal must answer.
Topic: 11-09 Proposals for Class Research Projects
- Amberlee is writing a proposal for a class project that focuses on improving the marketing success of the on-campus restaurant. She has decided that, while she will briefly discuss online advertising, she will focus mainly on advertising in the form of flyers, brochures, and ads in hard-copy student newspapers. In which of the following report sections should she mention this decision?
A.The problem section
B. The feasibility section
C. The topics to investigate section
D. The qualifications/facilities/resources section
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Learning Objective: 11-03 Identify seven questions a proposal must answer.
Topic: 11-09 Proposals for Class Research Projects
- Manoj is writing a proposal for a class project that focuses on teaching students effective study skills. He believes ineffective study skills are artificially depressing students’ final grades, and thinks it is important for the college’s reputation to fix this problem. In which of the following report sections should he discuss this information?
A.The problem section
B. The feasibility section
C. The topics to investigate section
D. The qualifications/facilities/resources section
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