Durham Chapman Miller
Devi Adage Maternal Newborn Nursing
Chapter 1: Trends and Issues
Multiple Choice
Bentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question
1. The maternal mortality rate for black women in the United
States is
1. The same as for white women in the United States
orgardless of socioeconomicfactors
2. Lower than the rate for white women doe to improvements in the social determinants of health
3. Higher than the rate for white women, regelsof
socioeconomic factors
4. Higher than the rate for white women, but have improved in
the last decade
2. A patient with a history of hypertension is giving birth. During delivery, the staff was not able to stablize the patient’s blood pressure. Therefore, the patient died shortly after delivery. This is an example of what type of death?
1. Elytral death
2. Late maternal death 3. Direct obstetric death
4. Indirect betric death
3. The muse is providing education to a patient who has given birth to her first child and is being discharged house. The patient expressed concm regarding infant mortality and sudden inf
death syndrome (SIDS). The patient had an uncomplicated pregnancy, labor, and vaginal delivery. She has a body mass index (BMI) of 25 and has no other health conditions. The inhibealthy and was delivered faltem What will be most helpful thing to explain to the patient? 1. Uses of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy (ECMO)
2. Uses of exogenous pulmonary fict
3. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative
4. The Sade to Sleep campaign
4. Compared with other counties in the world, the United States maternal mortality rate is 1. One of the lowest rates in the world
2. The same as in other high-resource countries
3. Worse than in other high resource countries, but has improved in the last decade.
4. The highest rane of all high resource comes
5. The mese is caring for a 15-year-old female who is pregnant with her first child. In her previous prenatal visit the patient tested negative for chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, and HIV. Based on the information provided, which condition is the patient’s baby at highest risk for?
1. Respiratory disorders
2. Neonatal conjunctivitis
3. Blindness
4. Pa
6. Theme is caring for a 23-year-old patient who arrives at the clinic for a pregnancy test. The test confies the patient is pregnant. The patient states. “I do not need to stop smoking my electronic cigarette because it will not harm my baby. Which is the best response by these?
Da Adage for Malebing
1. “You are correct. Electronic cigarettes are not hard during pregnancy
2 Tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, should not be used during pregnancy due to the risk of nicotine city.
Test B-Chi
3. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), although electronic cigarettes are safe for you, they can cause harm to the fetas daring pregnancy
+ “Electronic cigarettes are considered hard only in the first trimester.
7. The nurse is caring for a 16-year-old patient who is 32 weeks pregnant with her first child, who is male. The patient’s mother has accompanied her to today’s vist. During the marsing assessment the patient mentions that she is no longer in a relationship with the baby’s father but her mother plans to help her. However, the patient’s mother asks whether this will have any impact on the child Which of the following should the mase indicate the child is at increased risk for during his adolescence?
1. Hypertension
2. Dabetes
Alcohol abuse
4. Intraventricleeding
8. The mine is caring for a patient at 7 weeks’ gestation. The mese suspects that this pregnant patient may have been ung marijuana. With consent, these confirms via urine drug screen. Which statement by the mase is most appropriate?
1. “Did you smoke marijuana when pregnant with your other child?
2. “To avoid segave effects on your baby, you’ll need to stop wingman
during your last trimester.”
3. Using marijuana whale pregnant can have a negative effect on the neurological
development of your baby.””
4. “Metale pregnant greatly increases your risk of miscarriage.”
There is counseling a female patient about alcohol use during pregnancy. Which statement by the patient demonstrates successful patient teaching?
1. I will limit my drinking to just one alcoholic beverage per day.”
2 It’s best for my baby if I avoid drinking during pregnancy.”
3. “An occasional drink on special occasions is okay”
4. “Drinking alcohol is only acceptable in the first trimester
10. The medicating the pregnant patient with a body mass index (BMI) of 33. The knows
that teaching has been effective when the patient states which of the following?
1. “My child may be at increased risk for birth injury
“My child may have a decreased risk of developing childhood diabetes.”
3. “I will probably give birth vaginally.”
4 “Thave a lower risk of developing gestational hypertension
11. A pregnant woman weighs 90.9 kg. The surse is educating the patient on complications that the patient may be at risk for during pregnancy. Which response by the patient indicates that she understands?
1. Due to my weight, there is a possibility that I may develop gestational diabetes.”
21 am not overweight, but I am still at for gestational diabetes”
3. “My mother had preeclampsia during one of her pregnancies.”
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4.1 will need to do a glucose tolerance test in my second trimester.”
12. The mistaking a history of a mother who admits to cocaine drug use. Which action should the take fit?
1. Refer the patient to a drug abuse program
2. Screentheidt for side effects associated with cocaine use.
3. Educate the patient of the risks associated with cocaine use during pregnancy.
4. Advise the patient that her baby will be okay even with the history of cocaine use
13. A pregnant patient with a body mass index (BMI) of 35 is concerned about health effects she and ber baby may face during pregnancy. During routine testing, the patient tested negative for sexually transmitted infections (ST) and indicated that she is in a committed, long-te
relationship with the child’s father. Which of the following is accurate?
The patient’s infant is at increased risk of neonatal
2. The patient’s infant has a decreased risk of birth injury
3. The patient will have an increased risk of wound infection
4. The patient will have a decreased risk of preeclampsia
14. When should women be screened for mood disorders during pregnancy?
1. Women should be screened at the first prenatal visit, then repeated if risk factors are present.
2. Women should be screened at the first prenatal visit, during the second and third trimesters, and during the first postpartum year.
3. Women should be screened when they have been diagnosed with a history of
mental health disorders
4. Women should be screened when they have been diagnosed with a high adverse
childhood experience (ACE) score
15. Angstadtsked to set goals that will decrease the fetal death outcomes during delivery. What guidelines will the ring set use to assist in setting her goals?
1. World Health Organization (WHO) maternal care guidelines
Hey People 200
3. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)
white papers
4. State practice act
16. Which of the following sexually trained infections (STI) has shown the most significant increase and has led to increased infant deaths in the United States?
1. Congenital ph
4. Herpes simplex 2
17. Biological weathering refers to
1. The physiological changes that occur in the body to all people equally across the life span 2. The premature aging that occurs in the body due to prolonged exposure to stressors such as institutionalized ac
3. The genetic differences that lead to early onset chronic illnesses, such as diabetes.
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Davis Advantage for Maternal Newborn
4. The impact of environmental changes on the body due to climate change
Test Book-Chi
Maple Response
Identy one or more choices that best complete the stonement or answer the question
18. A woman has recently given birth to an inter born at 35 weeks and 5 days’ gestation What long-term effects should there be concerned about with the int being boat this gestation? Select all that apply.
1. Cerebral palsy
Respiratory disorders
Developmental delays
4. Vial impairments
5. Hearing impairments
19. An infant was recently bom weighing 1,498 gems. The mese understands that the birth weight of this is an important indicator of Select all that apply.
1. Morbidity rate
2. Prenatal care
3. Mortality rate 4. Inde bealth 5. Ренерата
20. The mistaking the history of a gravida 2 para 1 patient. Which findings in the patient’s history
water action? Select all that apply.
1. Anemia
2. Severe bemontage
3. Infections
4. Milution
5. Eclampsia
Durham, Chapman Miller
Denis Adage for Maternal Newborn
Chapter 1: Trends and Issues
Answer Section
Test Book-Chi
1. ANS: 3
Chapter: Chapter 1 Trends and
Chapter Learning Objective: 2. Examine maternal and inder health outcomes in the United States and analyze how the social determinants of health impact outcomes and lead to health dispanties Page: 8
Heading Isses in Maternal Newbom and Gender Health Maternal Death and Mortality Rates Integrated Processes Population Heath
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment
Cognitive Level Knowledge (Remembering) Concept Population Heal
Dicty Hard
This is incorrect. Socioeconomic factors affect maternal mortality rates. This is incorrect. Social determinants of health have not improved for black
This is correct. The maternal mortality ratio for black women is 2.5 times higher for white women Wide disparities in maternal mortality exist that are based on race, ethnicity, and geographic location
This is incorrect. The maternal mortality rate for black women is higher than for fatine women and has gotten worse in the last decade.
PTS: 1
2. ANS: 4
CON: Evidence-Based Practice
Chapter Chapter 1 Trends and Issues
Chapter Learning Objective: 3. Ideandy leading causes of uneral and infer morbidity and mortality in the United State
Page 8
Heading losses in Maternal Newborn and Gender Health Maternal Death and Mortality Rates
Integrated Processes: Nursing Process
Chent Need Physiological Integrity: Reduction of Risk Potential
Cognitive Level Application[Applying
Concept: Population Health
Difficulty: Hard
This is correct. Early maternal death is not an example of maternal death. Examples of maternal death include lane anemal death, indirect obstemic death, direct obstetric death and pregnancy-related death
This is incorrect. Late maternal death occurs 42 days after termination of
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