Interviewing Principles and Practices 15th Edition By Charles Stewart – Test Bank
Chapter 11: The Counseling Interview
1. On what assumption is the nondirective approach to counseling based?
2. What types of information does the client-centered approach to counseling gather?
3. Under what circumstances would a counselor choose to use a directive approach?
4. Which seating arrangements seem to aid communication during counseling interviews?
5. Provide examples of highly nondirective, nondirective, directive, and highly directive interviewer reactions and responses.
6. What factors affect an interviewee’s self-disclosure?
7. Why is it essential for an interviewer in a counseling interview to begin with self-analysis?
8. What are the ingredients of an effective closing for counseling interviews?
9. What behaviors enable interviewers to communicate willingness to listen to interviewees?
10. What role does an interviewer’s self-disclosure play in a counseling interview?
11. Discuss five ways of analyzing an interviewee in a counseling interview.
12. How can your relationship with an interviewee affect a counseling interview?
13. Discuss the preparation questions to ask yourself before conducting a counseling interview.
14. What are some of the factors to be considered in evaluation of an interview?
15. Discuss the problems with telephone counseling interviews.
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