LPN to RN Transitions Achieving Success in your New Role 6th Edition – Test Bank
Chapter 1
1. Which statement made by a licensed practical surse licensed vocational se (LPN LVN) applying for admission into an associate degree nursing program demonstrates an understanding of the need for lifelong learning by health care professionalls?
A) “Tve always loved learning and this decision will allow me the opportunity to do just that
B) An associate degree in nursing will afford me the opportunity to be the best nurse I can be.”
C) “There have been so many changes in nursing theory and practice since I was in nursing school.”
D) “With mursing changing so dramatically, this degree will allow me the opportunity to grow in my sole”
2. Which statement by a licensed practical surse licensed vocational surse (LPN LVN) demonstrates the best understanding of the challenges facing those entering an associate degree professional suring program?
A) “I know it will be hard but I’m sure I can be successful because I want to be a registered nurse so badly.”
B) “Tem porpared to do whatever it takes to become a registered nurse and help people become whole and healthy”
C) “Tknow this is what I want and my family is ready to provide the support II need to make my studies my first priority.”
D) “I’m sure I can be successful in school because as an LPN I have the basis of nursing education upon which to build
3. Which comment made by a licensed practical morse licensed vocational me (LPN LVN) enrolled in their first bachelor’s of nursing (BSN) course best indicates the
end of the honeymoon phase of returning to school? A) “I know what it is to be a good nurse why do I have to keep proving myself?”
8) “Til do what is expected of me just so I can graduate and move on with my career.”
“The stuff they’r teaching us just isn’t the way the real world of muring works today”
D) “Tem afraid that my previous clinical experience won’t be as much of a positive factor as I thought.”
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4. Which statement is the basis for conflict regarding the learning style generally associated with adult learners?
A) LPN LVN experiences while helpful do not always reinforce the foundation upon which professional nursing knowledge is based
B) LPN LVNs pursue educational opportunities primarily to better themselves and to provide advancement in their sursing careers.
C) Nursing education is demanding and often stresses the LPN LVN by challenging their core beliefs about themselves and about using practice.
D) It is difficult to become a critical thinker after focusing on perfecting the physical skills of nursing and learning the importance of following the direction of the RN.
5. According to Ellis Becoming a Master Student, which question exhibits the characteristics of a Style I leamer?
A) “Can you identify for me what the critical points are in the therapeutic interviewing grocess?”
B) “Is it possible to get the same accurate reading from this blood pressure monitor if the chest is standing up
C) “How does performing this procedure, as it is described in the text, really improve my ursing practice?”
D) “Can you tell me what to do if the client simply refuses to cooperate with me while Tim atempting this procedure?”
6. Which behavior best identifies a successful strategy for earning an Associate of Science
Nursing Degree (ASND)?
A) Attending all classes
B) Adjusting back on scheduled working hours
C) Discussing academic concerns with your faculty adviser
D) Planning for and adhering to a regular, planned study routine
7. Which statement made by an licensed practical nurse licensed vocational surse (LPN/LVN) to RN program leaner demonstrates an understanding of the importance of being familiar with the course syllabus?
A) “It is certainly helpful to identify what knowledge and skills I must possess before I graduate.”
B) “That’s where I go when I am trying to best manage my time and prioritize what needs to get done.”
C) “This information has helped me both identify what I believe about using and how I want to practice.”
D) “When I have a question about the morning program’s policies, it is a reliable, quick orference source.”
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8. Which behavior demonstrates an understanding of research-apported information concerning the balancing of personal, professional, and student roles on the success of a
learner enrolled in an LPN-to-RN program? A) Requesting to work only 12 and 16 hours per week
B) Arranging classes so as to have minimal impact on one’s work schedule
C) Utilizing the availability of on-line nursing courses whenever it is possible
D) Realizing that family time is vital to maintaining balance in one’s personal life
9. Which statement demonstrates the success implementation of a win win agreement between an licensed practical nurse licensed vocational nurse (LPN LVN) who has returned to school and their nurse manager?
A) “I work school breaks and the holidays so that I have every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday off for school”
B) “My nurse manager has promised to give me first consideration for an RN position on the unit after I graduate.”
C) “The facility has promised to provided nuition re-imbursement for every sursing course in which I eam a B or higher.”
D) “My surse manager is a graduate of this same nursing program and is so helpful with study tips and even used textbooks”
10. Which statement made by an LPN who has recently begun a transitional LPN-to-RN program demonstrates an understanding of the role of a mentor?
A) “I plan to stady with my clinical group at least once a week and before each test.”
B) “My muse manager said we could talk about management and leadership anytime.”
“My faculty advisor seems really interested in helping me and I know I can get help if I need it.”
D) “Tom meeting with a successful senior nursing student for lunch weekly to talk about how I’m doing.”
11. Once enrolled in a program of nursing, the student is assigned to a faculty advisor. What are effective ways to work with a fhoulty advisor? Sellect all that apply.
A) Introduce oneself to the advisor as early as possible.
B) Exchange office telephone numbers.
C) Exchange e-mail addresses.
D) Schedule a class group appointment at the start of the semeid
E) Secondary contact with advisors occurs when it is time to register for the next term’s classes.
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