Maternal and Child Nursing Care 5th Edition London – Test Bank
Chapter 1
Contemporary Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Nursing
1) A nurse is examining different nursing roles. Which statement best illustrates an advanced practice nursing role?
1. A registered mrse who is the manager of a large obstetricul
2. A clinical mane specialist working as a staffsane on a mother-baby unat
3. A registered use who is the circulating nurse at surgical deliveries (onsarean sections) 4. A clinical nonse specialist with whom other sores consult for this nurse’s expertise in caring for high riskintets
1. A registered use who is the manager of a large obstetric unit or one who is a circulating magical deliveries (cesarean sections) is defined as a prodessanallure, and has graduated from an accredited grogram in nursing and completed the licensure examination
2. A clinical mane specialist working as a staffsane on a mother-baby wat might have the qualifications for an advanced practice narsing staffbut is not working in that capacity.
3. A registered mine who is the manager of a large obstetric unit or one who is a circulating murse at surgical deliveries (cesarean sections) is defined as a professonal nurse, and has graduated from an accredited grogram in marsing and completed the licensure examination
4. A clinical muse specialist with whom other uses cost for expertise in caring for high ikinstrate an advanced practice suring role. This sure has specialized knowledge and competence in a specific clinical area, and is master’s-grepared
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Cognitive Level Remembering
Client Need Sub Safe and Effective Care Environment Management of Care
Standards QSEN Competencies: IIB.4 Function competently within own scope of practice as a member of the health care team | AACN Essential Competencies: VII Compare contrast the roles and perspectives of the sursing profession with other care professionals on the healthcare team (e scope of discipline, education and licensee requirements) NLN Competencies: Teamwork Knowledge: Scope of practice, roles, and responsibilities of health care team members, including
overlaps Nursing Integrated Concepts: Narsing Process: Assessment
Learning Outcome 11 festify the sursing roles available to manemad-newbom and pediatric
MNL Leaming Outcome: 1.1.2. Explore the role of the same in maternity care delivery
2) What is the major focus of these practitioner (NP)?
1. Leadership
2. Tertiary prevention
3. Physical and psychosocial clinical assevest
4. Independent cire of the high kren client
1. Leadership might be a quality of the NP, but it is not the major focus
2. The NP cannot do tertiary prevention as a major foo
3. Physical and psychosocial clinical assessment is the major focus of the NP.
4. NPs cannot provide independent care of the high-risk pregnant client, but must work under
Page Ref. 3
Cognitive Level Remembering
Client Need Sub Safe and Effective Care Environment Management of Care
Standard QSEN Competencies: IIB.4. Function competently within own scope of practice as a
member of the health care team | AACN Essential Competencies: VI1. Compare contrast the soles and perspectives of the muring profession with other care professionals on the bealthcaretra (
scope of discipline, education and license requirements) Knowledge: Scope of practice, roles, and responsables of health care team members, including overlaps Nursing Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Assessme
NLN Competencies: Teamwok
Learning Outcome
1.1 entify the morning roles available to maternal-newborn and pediatric
MNL Learning Outcome: 1.1.2. Explore the role of the mane in esatemity care delivery
3) What is the role of the certified surve-midwife (CNM)? Select all that appট্য
1. Give primary car for healthy neboms
2. Be educated in two disciplines of sing
3. Give primary care for high-risk clients who are in hospital settings
4. Obtain a physical technical procedures it delivery.
5. Be prepared to manage independently the care of women at low risk for complications during pregnancy and birth
Answer 1.2.5
1. The CNM is prepored no manage independently the care of women at low risk for complications during pregnancy and birth and the care of healthy newborns
2. The CNM is educated in the disciplines of sing and midwifery.
3. CNMs cannot give primary care for high-inchents who pinprovides the primary care inhospital settings. The
The CM does not need to obtain a physician contation for all technical geocedures at delivery, Situations in which the chest is at risk, such as for a 4th-degree laceration or forceps delivery, would seed physician constation
5. The CNM is prepared to manage independently the case of women at low risk for complications during porgnancy and bath and the care of healthy newborns
Page Ref: 3
Cognitive Level Understanding
Client Need Sub Safe and Effective Care Environment Management of Care
Standard QSEN Competencies: IB.4 Function competently withoscope of practice as a member of the health care team AACN Essential Competencies: VI1. Compare contrast the soles
and perspectives of the nursing profession with other care professionals on the healthcare team (e scope of discipline, education and licensure requirements) [NLN Competencies: Teamwork Knowledge, Scope of practice, roles, and responsibilities of health care team members, including overlaps Nursing Integrated Concepts: Narsing Process: Assessment
Learning Outcome 11 desnify the nursing roles available to matemal newborn and pediatric
MNL Learning Outcome: 1.1.2. Explose the role of these in maternity care delivery.
4) During the hospital admission process, a child’s parent anks for information about family
centered care. What should these explain to this part 1. Mother is the principal caregiver in each Demily.
2. Father is the leader in each hour, thus, all communications should include him
3 Family serves as the constant influence and contining support in the child’s fe
4 Child’s physician is the key person in ensuring the health of a child is maintained
An 3
1. Culturally competent care recognizes that both matriarchal and patriarchal households exist
2. Culturally competent care recognizes that both matriarchal and patriarchal households εχε
3. The foundation for the development of trusting relationships and partnerships with families is the progution that the family is the principal caregiver, knows thequrane of each individual child best, plays the vital role of meeting the child’s needs, and is responsible for ensuring each child’s health
4. The physician is not grevent during the day-to-day soutien ch
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Cogative Level Applying
Client Need Sub Safe and Effective Care Environment Management of Care
Standards QSEN Competencies: 18.3. Provide patiest-centered care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience AACN Essential Competencies. IX. 5. Deliver
compassionate, patient-centered, evidenor-based car that supects patient and family perfernors
NLN Competencies: Relatiounlap Centered Car, Knowledge, The role of family, culture, and community in a person’s development | Narving lategrated Concepts: Nursing Process Planning
Learning Outcome 1.2 Summarize the use of community-based sursing care in meeting the needs
of childbearing and childrearing families
MNL Learning Outcome: 1.1.1. Relate the effect of culture and family to the childbearing
5) A child is not enrolled in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). What should the nurse do to encourage the family to consider enrolling the child in this program?
1. Assessment of the details of the family’s income and expendites
2. Case management to limit costly, payment of services
3. Advocacy for the child by encouraging the femily to investigate its CHIP elity
Education of the fly about the need for keeping regwell-child appointments
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