Mosbys Textbook for Nursing Assistants 7th Edition by Sheila A. Sorrentino – Test Bank
Chapter 11: Safety
1. Coma is
A. A state of being unaware of one’s surroundings
B. Being able to respond to people, places, or things
C. Losing memory and the ability to think and reason
D. Paralysis
ANS: A REF: 143
2. The loss of cognitive and social function caused by changes in the brain is
A. Hemiplegia
B. Dementia
C. Stroke
D. Confusion
ANS: B REF: 144
3. A resident has paralysis and loss of sensory function in the arms, legs, and trunk. This is
A. Hemiplegia
B. Paraplegia
C. Quadriplegia
ANS: C REF: 143-144
4. Electrical current passes through the body. This is
A. A disaster
B. A ground
C. Suffocation
D. Electrical shock
ANS: D REF: 143, 158
5. A person with hemiplegia is paralyzed
A. From the neck down
B. From the waist down
C. On one side of the body
D. From the knees down
ANS: C REF: 143-144
6. Paralysis and loss of sensory function in the legs and lower trunk is
A. Hemiplegia
B. Quadriplegia
C. Suffocation
D. Paraplegia
ANS: D REF: 143-144
7. Suffocation is
A. The loss of memory and thinking and reasoning abilities
B. A sudden event in which people are killed and injured
C. When breathing stops from lack of oxygen
D. When electrical current passes through the body
ANS: C REF: 143, 152
8. A ground
A. Prevents hazards in the workplace
B. Is a sudden, catastrophic event
C. Carries leaking electricity to the earth
D. Is a chemical
ANS: C REF: 143, 158
9. Patient and resident safety involves
A. Decreasing the risk of accidents and injuries
B. Preventing all injuries
C. Limiting mobility
D. Limiting independence
ANS: A REF: 143
10. Safety measures must not
A. Result in accidents
B. Result in injury
C. Interfere with the person’s rights
D. Agitate the person
ANS: C REF: 143
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