Nursing A Concept Based Approach to Learning 4th Edition(all volumes) – Test Bank
Narsing: A Concept Based Approach to Learning Vol. 1 & 2, de (Pearson)
Module 1 Acid-Base Balance
The Concept of Acid-Base Balance
1) A client who has been fisting and has betones in the wine is brought to the emergency department (ED) unconscious. Which acid-base imbalance would the surve expect to assess in this client
A) Metabolic acidosis
B) Respiratory alkaloun
C) Metabolic alkalosis
D) Respiratory acidosis
Answer: A
Explanation: A) A chest who is foting is at risk for development of metabolic acidos. The body secognizes stingas station and begins to metabolize its own fry acids into ketones, which are metabolic acids
B) A client who is fisting is at risk for development of metabolic acidosis. The body recognizes fasting as starvation and begins to metabolize its own fiery acids into ketones, which are metabolic acids. Startation would not repatory alkalous
C) A client who is fisting is strik for development of metabolic acidos. The body recognizes fasting as starvation and begins to metabolize its own fiery acids into ketones, which are metabolic acids. Starvation would not simbolicali
D) A client who is foting in at risk for development of metabolic acidous. The body recognizes fasting as starvation and begins to metabolize itsov Deryacids into ketones, which are metabolic acids. Station would not retory acidous
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Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need Sub: Physiological Integrity Phyological Adaptation Standeds: QSEN Competencies: III.A 1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods
and processes. AACN Domains and Competencies: 2.4 Diagnose actual or potential health problems and needs. NLN Competencies: Knowledge and Science Relationships between
knowledge science and quality and safe patient coor. Nursing Process: Asieviet Learning Outcome: 1.2. Differentiate alterations in acid-base balance.
MNL LO: Analyze the concept of acid-base balance and its application touring coor
2) The nurse is coming for a client in the emergency department. Which factors will these identify that increase the client’s risk for metabolic acidosis? Select all that apply.
A) Abdominal fist
B) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
C) Pr
D) Chronic renal filure
E) Hypovolemic shock
Answer: A. D.E
Explanation: A) Metabolic acidosis is rarely a primary disorder. It usually develops during the course of another condition such as an abdominal which cause the loss of bicarbonate from the intestine.
B) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease places the client at risk for respiratory acids with the increased retention of carbon dioxide in the blood
C) Purumonis places the client at risk for orspiratory acids with the increased retention of carbon dioxide in the blood.
D) Metabolic acidousin rarely a gemary dorder. Itually develops during the coune of another condition such as chronic renal failure. In this health problem, the lidorys are unable to excrete a normal amount of hydrogen ions in the urine. This results in an excessive an of hydrogen ions in the blood, which produces metabolic acidosis
E) Metabolic acidosis is rarely a primary disorder. It usually develops during the course of another condition such as hypovolemic shock. With a severe blood loss, there is a lack of blood flow throughout the body and a lack of oxygen in every cell. Adenosine iphosphate (ATP) produce energy anaerobically without the gorsence of oxygen, lactic acid is a by-product. This produces systemic lactic acidosis, a type of metalic acidos
Page Ref: 5-6
Cognitive Level: Applying
Client Need Sub: Physiological Integrity: Physiological Adaptation
Standards: QSEN Competencies: III.A.1. Demonstrane knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. AACN Domains and Competencies: 2.4 Diagnose actual or potential health problems and needs. NLN Competencies: Knowledge and Science: Relationships between knowledge science and quality and safe patient care. Nursing Process: Assessment
Learning Outcome: 1.2. Diffrorutiate alterations in acid-base balance.
MNL LO: Analyze the concept of acid-base balance and its application to serving cice.
3) A client with acute asthma has a PaCO2 of 45 mmHg. a pH of 7.31, and a normal HCO3 arterial blood gas vabe. Which condition will these asociate with these values?
A) Metabolic acidosis
B) Respiratory alkalos
C) Respiratory acidosis
D) Metabolic alkalosis
Animator: C
Explanation: A) Uncompensated metabolic acidosis has a decreasибри, по РаСО2, 200 decreased HCO3.
8) Uncompensated oripiratory alkalosis has an increased pH, decreased PaCO2, and normal
C) If the plf is decreased and the PaCO2 is increased with anomal HCO3, it is macompensated respiratory acidosis.
D) Uncompensated metabolic alkalosis has an increased pH, normal PaCO2, and increased
Page Ref. 7
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Client Need Sub: Physiological Integrity: Physiological Adaptation
Standards: QSEN Competencies: IIIA. 1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes | AACN Domains and Evential Competencies: 2.4 Diagnose actual or potential health problems and needs. NLN Competencies: Knowledge and Science: Relationships between knowledge science and quality and safe patent care Nursing Process Assesment
Lending Outcome 12 Differatiound-base balance
MNL LO: Analyze the concept of acid-base balance and its application to sing care.
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