Fundamentals of Nursing Care Concepts Connections and Skills 3rd Edition – Test Bank
Fundamentals of Nursing Care: Concepts, Connections & Skills
3rd Edition Test Bank
Chapter 1. The Vista of Nursing
Multiple Choice
Test Bank
deny the choice that best completes the statement or answer the question
1. The nurse is educating a nursing student about nursing history. The nurse teaches the nursing student that throughout ancient history, ursing care was provided by family members and
A. Nurses
B. Physicians
C. Male priests
D. Female priests.
2. The nurse teaches a student nurse about the history of nursing. The nurse informs the student nurse that in 1836, the first school of nursing was established in Kaiserworth, Germany by
A. Jean Watson
B. Clara Barnos.
C. Theodore Flieder
D. Florence Nightingale
3. The nurse educates the student nurse that in 1897, the Nurses Associated Alumnae of the United States was formed in an effort to
A Set standards and roles in nursing education
B. Keep nurses aware of the newest medical information
C. Oversee training to protect patients from incompetent nurses
D. Keep sures updated on the newest information about sursing education
4. A nuning instructor is a member of the National League for Nursing. The purpose of this professional organization is to
A. Set standards and roles insuring education
B. Keep surses aware of the newest medical information
C. Oversee training to protect patients from incompetentures
D. Keep surses updated on the newest information about ring education
5. The nursing instructor teaches a group of nursing students that all states required practical resto
be licensed in the year
A. 1940
B. 1945
C. 1950
D. 1955.
6. The nursing instructor teaches a class of student uses that the title Licensed Practical Nurs
LPN is used in all states except California and
A. Texas.
B. Maine.
C. Alada
D. Arizona
7. The studentsuse recognizes that the National Council Licensure Examination for practical moring
A. Taken in order to practice as a nurse.
B. Given as an entrance exam for sursing school.
C. Individualized based on wheve an examinee resides
D. Taken in order to practice as a certified nursing assistant (CNA)
The nurse recruiter interviews new graduate nurses for a staff se position. The nurse recruiter is seeking a graduate nurse who has been educated moce extensivelyon management and leadership The graduate nurse who most likely fits this description is the
A. Diploma se
Associate degree nurse
C. Licensed vocational muse.
D. Baccalaureate degree surse
9. A nursing instructor is educating a group of student nurses about the Nurse Practice Act. The nursing instructor teaches that
A. The Nurse Practice Act clarifies who can supervise a physician.
The Nurse Practice Act is the law that governs the actions of nurses.
C. The Nurse Practice Act is determined by the National League of Nursing
D. The Nurse Practice Act specifies the tasks of the unlicensed assistive personnel
10. The nurse educates a nursing student about the Nurse Practice Act. The nursing student demonstrates
understanding when stating A. “The Nurse Practice Act is the same in every state.”
“The Norse Practice Act does not specify who can supervise a nurse.”
C. “The Nurse Practice Act is determined by the American Nurses Association”
D. “The Nurse Practice Act establishes the scope of practice for each level of nurse.”
11. While caring for a patient, the nurse performs a nursing action that is not within her scope of
practice. The nurse has violated the
Nurse Practice Act.
C. State Department of Health
D. National League for Nursing
12. A nurse administers the wrong medication to a patient. The nurse has violated the Nurse Practice Act
which is enforced by the
A State Board of Nursing
B. County Health Department
C. State Department of Health
D. National League for Nursing
13. The nurse is caring for a residentin a long-ten setting. The surse best demonstrates a caring approach when
A. Performing all activities of daily living for the resident
B. Asking the resident’s spouse to bring a family picture for the resident’s room
C. Answering the resident’s questions quickly without allowing time for clarification.
D. Encouraging the resident’s spouse to decide which activities the resident should
14. The nurse is caring for five patients on a psychiatric unit. The more best demonstrates a caring
approach when A. Providing identical care to each patient.
Individualizing care provided to each patient.
C. Viewing the patients in terms of a cellular disorder.
D. Viewing the patients as mentally ill and needing a cure.
15. The nurse is educating a student sure about the responsibilities of a student surse. The nurse recognizes that additional teaching is needed when the student surse states,
A. I will check lab results on my patients often”
“1 am responsible for noting abnormal assessment findings
C. I will frequently check the patient’s chart for diagnostic test results”
D. “It is not within my scope of practice to notify someone of abnormal findings.”
16. The nursing instructor teaches a student surse about the importance of joining a professional organization. The sursing instructor recognizes that further instruction is necessary when the student estates
A. “Professional organizations allow me to have a collective voice.”
Professional organizations limit my ability to influence laws and policies.”
C. Professional behavior is demonstrated by joining a professional organization”
D. “By joining a professional organization, I will have opportunities for leadership”
17. The nursing instructor educates a class of nursing students about Florence Nightingale. The suring instructor teaches that Florence Nightingale was
A. The founder of contemporary muse’s notes.
A provider of nursing care during the Crimean War.
C. The first president of what is known today as the American Red Cross.
D. Known as the “Angel of the Battlefield during the United States Civil War.
18. A student surse is learning about sursing history. The student surse recognizes that Lillian Wald is best described as
A. Instrumental in providing nursing care during the Crimean War
8. The first visiting nurse, who opened the Henry Street Settlement.
C. Instrumental in establishing a 3-year training program for nurses.
D. The first president of what is known today as the American Red Cross.
19. A student nurse is learning about women who molded nursing history. The studentsuse recognizes that Mary Mahoney is best described as
A. The first visiting surse who opened the Henry Street Settlement
The first president of the National Association for Colored Graduate Nurses C. An activist for nursingsborreform who advocated for meal boraks formes
D. An activist for better mental health care and the establishment of psychiatric bospitals
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