Fundamentals of Nursing Care Concepts Connections Skills 4th Edition – Test Bank
Chapter 1: The Vista of Nursing
Multiple Choice
Sheng the choice that best completes the statement or answer the question
1. An LPN ring student is reviewing requirements related to mare gesctice acts. Which state gov the most accurate description of individual state surse peaction acts?
1. Nurse peactice acts are regulaned by the federal governm
2. Nurse practice acts have identical colegio Nand N
3. Diffons exist between scope of geschice and or educational requirements
4. State governments provide the contest for each se prвслисе вся.
2. Which priority information should the cereview in the state curve practice act in ceder to deliver care
within the scope of gesctice?
1. Verify educational background
2. Confirm leg of liceae
3. Reciples of delegation
4. Note members of the board of anning (BON)
3. A se is discussing how evidence-based practice (EBP) can help imperve delivery of care to paties Which statement describes ERP?
1. EBP that these govedatabases to obtain information
2. EBP focuses on long-trends to improve outcomes.
3. EBPneuch does not have to be peer reviewed
4. ERPs a methodological approach to improve outcon
4. The LPNLVNoorse is interested in being able to function as an advanced educational plan best describes a patuway to advanced earning practice? gractitioner. Which
1. Working in a long-term facility while going back to school to get a diploma in BSN
2. Continuing to work in an acute care facility and applying to a PVN to ADN p
3. Applying to amiversity to a BSN program after one year of clinical geactice
4. Continuing to work LPN LVN for a few years and the
5. A stodeste is reviewing characteristics associated with the ring geofession Which option best representation’s theory of anning as it relates to surving characteristics?
1. Indridalization of care
2. Coordinating care
Возитолори до во
4. Admit one
6. As is being evaluated by ingrctor. Which istions action?
2. The studentining the patient when fly members will anive
3. The student une forgot to bring stethoscope to clinical
4. The studentesisingpersonal cell phone while in the clinical environme
7. Which statement betaddresses the core conces of OSEN they relate to knowledge, solls, and amitude (KSA)
1. Awweness of develo
2. Coordination of care is based on effective commi
3. Quality care is based on patient preехасе.
4. Application of practised plomoved acce
5. A testis Sooking to incorporate cultural diversity in the gliss of care for a group of patients. Which mrsing theorist should the studentech?
1. mogese King
2. Made
3. Jea Watson
4. Betty Neuman
9. A studeste is preparing to sit for National Council License Examination for Practical ring Which statronat indicates that additional teaching is needed as it relato NCLEX-PN
1. The test includes a clinical componest
2. The test is dele
3. Results of the test are shared with each state board of onering
4. The test is based on a specific detailedet
10. A high school graduate plans to amend a one-plus-one programosos this stadest explain the progr to bere
1. “I can have my LPN could tobaccalante depre.”
2. “My courses from the LPN program will be glaced toward as associate degree”
3. “I can apply to a master of science in de geograaf two years.”
4. “become an LPN first and the take another year of classes while I work as a se.”
11. A licensed gesctical (LPN) has applied and completed an associate degree programining and passed BN License. Which statement indicates that additional information is needed as it relates to gran
shadies in ring 1. The sese will not have to take additional Scene examining
2. Theeds to continue contignal education activ
3. These cas continue to working graduates 4. The une does not have to subpaperned to license
12. While providing medications, one realizes that as incorrect dose was given to a patient. Which characteristic does the deporting the to the
1. Being caring
2. Being honest
3. Being organized
4. Being
13. A me note that too pedropped. The patent has a dizzineanddominal Which characteristics thecome decorate when the healthcare HCP the
patient’s condition?
4. Being responsible
14. A proses care and meets the needs of patients the gestis able to self-care. Which
aming theory in this impleting?
1. Levine
3. N
4. Hradec
15. A mese is working with a patient who is considered to be a high link. Which priority action should the
mple? 1. Secure a bed
2. Assist the patient to the bathroom as needed
3. Place the call bell in reach.
4. Place one side the patient is in bed
16. A mene reviews a new medication prescribed for patient and contacts the pharmacy to ask questions about the prescribed dose and route. Which behavior does the sune dessoustrate in this sitios?
1. Sadness
2. Quality
3. Tework
4. Collabontio
Multiple Response
If one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the questio
17. A manage review the organizational policy about impresional conduct. Which actions should the manager describe thatotovoking or spending morning licence? Select all that apply
1. Accidentally causing a skin tear on a fraid elderly patient
2. Conduct that violates the practice act 3. Documenting patient care at the end of the shift
4. The use of drugs or alcohol while on duty
5. Failure to supervising assistants and licensed as
18. The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses(QSEN) project was established to equip the next generation of suses to help make needed changes in health care. Which are included in the six prelicensure losowledge. skolls, and attitudes (KSA) for and graduate students? Select all that app
1. Patient-cated car
2. Арреасносе
3. Leadership
4. Teamwork and collaboration
5. Evidence-based genotice
19. A group of saving stades are domperve clinical judge Which activities may help support the development of clinical judgment? Select all that apply.
1. Performing clinical skill inter
2. Incorporating experience into future practice
3. Maintaining time management schedule
4. Answering call bells promptly
5. Treading results of patients data
20. A manager is preparing an annual performance review for a new me. Which behaviors indicate that the string professional bearios? Select all that apply.
2. the mistakes of othe
3. Ask for help when pote
4. Covers patiest care assetsforbere
5. Adheres to the required length of time for breas
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