Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist 2nd Edition – Test Bank
Chapter 01: Local Anesthesia in Dental Hygiene Practice: An Introduction
Logothetis: Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist, 2nd Edition
Manch the following wood or phrase with the correct drug category,
ester (1)
Bamide (A)
inhalation drug (1)
1. Εώστ
2. Lidocaine
3. Pulocaine
4. Procaine
5. Nitrous oxide
6. Malothane
7. Mepivacaine
8. Novocaine
9. Causes more allergic reactions
10. Patients experience fees allergic reactions
1. ANS C
RIF: 2
0071 TOP NEOHE 30 Pingdamaging Dental Hygiene Care NBDHE. 3.4 AP
DIF: Recall
DIF Recall
REF: 2
CNBDHE 6.0 Рамнисоводу
TOP NOHE 30 Planningmaging Dental Hygiene CNBDHE. 3.4 AP Count NIDHE, 6.0 Pharmacology
3. ANS: 8
DIF Recall
REF: 23
TOP NEDE 30 Planning and Managing Dental Hygiene CNBDHE, 3.4 Axity and P CNBDHE, 6.0 Pmacology
DIF Recall
REF: 23
TOP NUDE 30 Planning and Managing Dental Hygiene Care NIDHE, 3.4 Axiety and P CNBDHE. 6.0 Pharmacology
DD Recall
REF: 2406
TOP NEDGE, 30 Planning and Managing Dental Hygiene Care NBDHE, 3.4 Anxiety and Pai CNBDHE 6.0 Pharmacology
4. ANS A
3. ANS C
6. ANS: C
D: Recall
117: 23
7. ANS &
087 1
TOP NICHE 30 Planning and Managing Dental Hygiese Car NBDHE, 3.4 Auxiety and P Control NBDHE 6.0 Pharmacology
REF: 23
TOP NUDE 30 Planning and Managing Dental Hygiene C NIDHE, 3.4 Аxiety and Fi Counol NADHE, 6.0 Pharmacology
D: Recall
127: 23
TOP NICHE 30 Planning and Managing Dental Hygiene Care NBDHE, 3.4 Anxiety and Pai Cool DE 6.0 Pharmacology
9. ANS: A
DIT: Recall
11F: 23
007 1
TOP NICHE 30 Planning and Managing Dental Hygiese Cat NBDHE, 3.4 Anxiety and P Coumol NBDHE, 6.0 Pharmacology
10. ANS
DIF: Recall
TOP NODE 30ging Dental Hygiene CNBDHE, 3.4
Couso NEDE, 6.0 Pharmacology
1. The first objections to the use of inhalation sedation included which of the following?
It was viewed as a religious offe
b. It was viewed as an unethical practice
c. It was viewed as a retardant to the health process
4. All options listed
All options listed. Objections to operating on an unconscious patient included all options listed. Some viewed it as offensive to their religious beliefs, some viewed it as an ethical matter, and some objected because they believed that the relief from pain might actually retard the health process
DIF: Recall
REF: 2
TOP NIDHE, 30 Planning and Managing Dental Hygiene Сами NBDOCE, 3.4 Anxiety and Pain CNBCHE, 6.0 Pharmacology
2. Who was the first dentist to use “laughing gas” for dental procedures?
William Clarke
b. Horace Welch
c. Henry Beecher
4. Nils Lofgren
Horace Wells was the first destist to use “laughing gas” for dental procedures. William Clark is known for his work with ether. Henry Beecher for his observations regarding clinical trials, and Nils Lofgren for the synthesis of lidocaine
DIF Recall
TOP NEDHE 3.0 Planning and Managing Dental Hygiene CNBDE 3.4 Anxiety and P CNBDE 60 Pacology
3. A highly effective analgesic and antipyretic compound, introduced in 1899 and still used today, is commonly referred to as what?
b. Alcohol
c. Novocaine
4 Opi
A new compound, introduced as aspirin in 1899, proved to be ormarkably safe and well nolerated by patients. It is a highly effective analgesic and antipyretic Alcohol and opim were universally popular arcotics used for controlaswas Novocaine (procaine), a local anesthetic
DIF: Recall
REF: 2
TOP NEDHE 3.0 Planning and Managing Dental Hygiene Care NBDE, 3.4 Anxiety and P Cool Ecology
4. Early methods of pain control inchaded which of the following
Use of opium
Scaring off of demons
c. Roots, berries, and seeds
d. All options led
All options listed Early methods of gain control included all options listed the use of opium religious techniques of scaring off demons, and the use of plants and berbs for treating goin
DIT: Recall
32F: 2
TOP NEDHE, 30 Planning Managing Dental Hygiese CNBDIHE, 3.4 AxietyPa Cool NBDHE, 6.0 Pharmacology
5. Pain threshold is best described as which of the following?
The physical and emotional response to a particular sinsation
b. The relationship between human need fulfillment and human behavior.
A neurologic experience of pain
4. The point at which a sensation starts to be painful and discomfort results
Pain threshold is best described as the point at which a sensation starts to be painful and discomfort revults. The physical and emotional response to a particular sirsation desonides stress the relationship between human need fulfillment and human behavior is known as the Human Needs Paradigm, and a neurologic experience of pais describes gain perception
DD: Recall
327: 6
OBJ: 4
TOP NEDHE, 30 Panning and Maging Dental Hygiene Can NBDGIE, 3.4 Ashу Control
6. The neurologic experience of pain is refemed to as what?
Pain control
Pain threshold
c. Pain perorpion
4. Pain reaction
Pain perception is the neurologic experience of point differs little between individuals Pain control refers to the mechanism to alleviate pain, pain threshold is the point at which a sensation starts to be painful and discomfort orals and pain reaction is the personal interpretation of and response to the pain message and is highly variabile between individuals
DIF: Recall
OBJ: 4
TOP NEDHE, 30 Ping maging Dental Hygiene Care NBDIHE, 3.4 Anxiety Pa
7. An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience is called?
Pain control
Pain threshold
4 Pain reaction
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