Nursing Theories Nursing Practice 3rd Edition By Parker – Test Bank
Chapter 11
Multiple-Choice Questions
(Answers appear in bold)
1. A central belief of the Roy Adaptation Model is that adaptive responses support
A. True
B. False
2. Scientific assumptions of the Roy Adaptation Model are based on:
A. General Systems Theory and Developmental Theory
B. Adaptation-Level Theory and Developmental Theory
C. General Systems Theory and Adaptation-Level Theory
D. Adaptation-Level Theory and Cosmic Theory
3. Concept analysis, synthesis, and derivation of proposition statements have been used
by Roy for:
A. Instrument development
B. Theory development
C. Research studies
D. All of the above
4. Self-consistency falls under which of Roy’s following adaptive modes?
A. Physiological–physical
B. Role function
C. Interdependence
D. Self-concept—group identity
5. Hearing loss in the elderly was conceptualized by Roy as loss of a:
A. Contextual stimuli
B. Focal stimuli
C. Coping effort
D. All of the above
6. The findings of the research exemplar presented by Roy indicated that the hypothesis
of the study was supported because there was no relationship between coping and
adaptive processes and self-consistency in older persons with hearing loss.
A. True
B. False
7. According to Roy, the coping process of self-awareness
A. Signals the need for adaptive efforts.
B. Interrupts ongoing behavior patterns.
C. Restores sense of self.
D. All of the above
8. According to Roy, the coping process of self-analysis and emotions
A. Signals the need for adaptive efforts.
B. Interrupts ongoing behavior patterns.
C. Restores sense of self.
D. All of the above
9. According to Roy, the coping process of self-consciousness and self-analysis
A. Signals the need for adaptive efforts.
B. Interrupts ongoing behavior patterns.
C. Restores sense of self.
D. All of the above
10. The principle that people and Earth have common patterns and integral relationships
is defined by Roy as:
A. Veritivity
B. Cosmic unity
C. Unitary being
D. Cosmic principle
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