Priorities in Critical Care Nursing 8th Edition Urden – Test Bank
Chapter 01: Caring for the Critically III Patient
Urden: Priorities in Critical Care Nursing, Sth Edition
Critical Care Nursing
1. What type of practitioner has a broad depth of specialty knowledge and expertise and manages complex clinical and system issues?
a. Registered nurses
Advanced practices
Clinical nure leaders
d. Intensivists
Advanced gractice nurses (APN) have a broad depth of knowledge and expertise in their specialty area and manage complex clinical and systems Intensivare medical practitioners who manage the critical ill patient. Registered nurses (RNs) are generally direct care providers. Clinical move leaders (CNLs) generally do not manage syste issues.
PTS: 1
D: Cognitive Level: being
TOP Caring fox the Critically Pat
MSC: NCLEX: Safe and Effective Care Exist Coated Care
2. What type of practitioner is instrumental in ensuring care that is evidence based and that
safety programs are in place?
Clinical nurse specialist
Advanced practice
Registered nur
4. Nurse practitioners
Clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) serve in specialty colles that use their clinical, teaching. research, leadership, and consultative abilities. They are instrumental in ensuring that care is evidence based and that safety programs are in glace. Advanced practice nurses (APN) have a broad depth of knowledge and expertise in their specialty area and manage complex clinical and systems issues. Registered nurses are generally direct care providers. Nurse practitioners (NP) manage direct clinical care of groups of patients
PTS: 1
DI: Cognitive Level: Remembering
00: Proces Step
TOP Caning foxherically
MSC: NCLEX: Safe and Effective Care Exiones Coated Care
3. Which professional organization administers critical care certification exams for registered
State Board of Registered Nurses
National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist
Society of Critical Care Medicine
4. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) administers certification exams for registered nurses. The State Board of Registered Nurses (SBON) does not administer certification exams. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS) does not administer certification exams. Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) does not administer nursing ortification exams for registered nurses.
PTS: 1
DU: Cognitive Level: Remembering
TOP Caring for theCritically
MISC: NCLEX: Sand Effective Care Environment Coated Car
4. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) has developed short directives that can be used as quick references for clinical use that are known as:
critical care protocol
bpractice policies.
c. evidence-based research
4 practice alerts.
The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) has promulgated several evidence-based practice summaries in the form of practice alerts. Evidence-based nursing practice considers the best research evidence on the care topic along with clinical expertise of the surse and patient preferences. Critical care protocol and practice policies are established by individual institutions.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering
08. Naning Process Step Planning TOP Caring for the Critically Pe MSC NCLEX: Safe and Effective Care Environment Coated Care
5. What type of therapy is an option to conventional treatment?
a. Alternative
The term alternative denotes that a specific therapy is an option or alternative to what is considered conventional treatment of a condition or state. The term complementary was proposed to describe therapies that can be used to complement or support conventional treatments. Holistic car focuses on human integrity and stresses that the body, mind, and spinit are interdependent and inseparable Individualized care recognizes the uniqueness of each patient’s preferences, condition, and physiologic and psychosocial status.
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering
03 Naing Process Step: Implementatio
TOP Caring fortheCritically
MSC: NCLEX: Physiological lategrity: Basic Care and Comf
6. Guided imagery and massage are both examples of what type of treatment?
b. Holistic care
Alternative therapy
Complementary care
Individualized care
The term complementary was proposed to describe therapies that can be used to complement or support conventional treatments Guided imagery, massage, and animal-assisted therapy are all examples of complementary care. The term allative denotes that a specific therapy is an option or alternative to what is considered conventional meatment of a condition or stane. Holistic care focuses on human istegrity and stresses that the body, mind, and spiritare interdependent and inseparable Individualized care recognizes the uniqueness of each patient’s preferences, condition, and physiologic and psychosocial status.
PTS: 1
D: Cognitive Lev
087 Nursing Process Steppation
TOP: Caring for the Critically Patient
MSC: NCLEX: Physiological Devity: Basic Care and Condon
7. A patient was admitted to a rural critical care unit in Montana. Critical care nurses are assisting with monitoring and care of the patient from the closest major city. What is this
type of practice termed
e. Tele-informatics
4. Tele-hospital
Tele-ICU is a form of telemedicine. Telemedicine was initially used in outpatient areas, remote rural geographic locations, and areas where there was a dearth of medical providers. Cumently, there are tele-ICUsinas where there are limited resources on-site However, expests (critical care surses, intensivists) are located in a central distant site
PTS: 1
DF: Cognitive Level Coding
007 Nursing ProcessStepvaation
TOP: Caring the Critically IPa
MSC: NCLEX Physiological stegrity Reduction of Risk Po
. Which core competency for interprofessional practice can be described as working with indiduals of other professions to maintain a climate of mutual respect and shared values?
Interprofessional teamwork and team-based care
b. Values and ethics for interpessional practice
Intraprofessional communication
4. Rolles and responsibilities for collaborative practice
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