Priorities in Critical Care Nursing 9th Edition – Test Bank
Chapter 01: Caring for the Critically III Patient
Urden: Priorities in Critical Care Nursing, 9th Edition
1. The chief nurse executive is organizing a team to address an organizational increase in catheter-associated urinary tract infections. What type of practitioner would be appropriate choice to lead this system-wide team?
Registered use
Advanced practice mase
Clinical mire leader
4. Intensivist
An advanced practice surse (APN) manages complex clinical and systems issues and would be an appropriate choice to lead the team. An intensivist is a medical practitioner who manages entical ill patients. A registered mase (RN) is generally a direct care provider. A clinical mare leader (CNL) generally does not manage systemises. An intensivist may be anked to consult with the team and the RN and CNL may be anked to join the team but none of them would be the most appropriate to lead the team
DOF: Cognitive Level Applying
08. Nursing Process Step
TOP: Caring for the Cically IP
MSC: NCLEX: Physiologic lateguty Reductio
2. An employee health practitioner is concerned soon the increase in work-related injunes and is organizing a team to address safe patient handling What type of practitioner would be the most appropriate choice to lead this team?
Clinical murse specialist
Nurse anesthetist
Registered an
4. Nurse practitioner
A clinical surse specialist (CNS) would be the most appropriate choice to lead this tram CNSs make good team leaders as they can use their clinical, teaching, research, consultative and leadershipabilities to address the problem. Nurse anesthetists administer anesthesia and would not be the most appropriate choice to lead the team. Registered surses are generally direct care providers and would be appropriate to inchide on the team but not the most appropriate choice to lead the team. Nurse practitioners (NPs) manage direct clinical care of groups of patients and would not be the most appropriate choice to lead the team
DO: Cognitive Level Evaluating
TOP Caring the call Pat
MSC NCLEX Physiologic ateity Reductio
3. A registered sure working in the intensive care unit has decided to become certified as a critical care nurse. Which professional organization should the murse contact for more information about the ontification exam?
State Board of Registered Nurses
National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist
Society of Critical Care Medicine
4. American Association of Critical-Car Naves Certification Corporation
The American Association of Critical Care Nurses(AACN) Cerification Corporation develops and administers many entical care specialty certification examinations for ongistered nurses and advanced practice uses. The State Board of Registered Nurses (SBON) does not adeninister certification exams. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS) does not administer certification exams Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) does not administer certification exams for regimed sures
PTS: 1
DOF: Cognitive Level Udding
08. Nursing Pros Srp
TOP: Caring for the Critically Patient
MSC: NCLEX: Sade and Effective Care Мадеш of Care
4. The American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) has developed short directives that can be used as quick references for clinical use. What are these documents called?
Criticall care protocols
Practice policies
c. Evidence-based research pectives
4. Practice alerts
The American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) has groundgated several evidence-based practice summaries in the form of “practice alerts” Critical care protocols and practice policies are established by individual organizations. Evidence-based perch directives are a generic name for several different types of documents
PTS: 1
DOF: Cognitive Leveling
08 Nrung ProPlanning
TOP ConfortheCritically Paint
MSC: NCLEX: Sandective Cevi of Ce
3. A patient has been diagnosed with cancer and has decided to stop chemotherapy as it is not working. The patient asks the health care practitioner if there are any other therapies available. The practitioner recommends the patient seek what type of therapy?
c. Complementary
4. Indusdualized
The term alternative denotes that a specific therapy is an option or alternative to what is considered conventional treatment of a condition or state. The complementary was proposed to describe therapies that can be used to complement or support conventional treatments. Holistic care focuses on bunan integrity and stresses that the body, mind, and spirit are interdependent and inseparable. Indinduliard care recognizes the uniqueness of each patient’s prefimmons, condition, and physiologic and psychosocial status
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying
08. Nursing ProcessStep: Implementation
TOP Caring for the Critically
MSC: NCLEX Phylogical lateguity: Basic Come and Comfort
6. A patient with cancer proving chemotherapy has incorporated guided imagery and massage into their treatment plan. These therapies or examples of what type of treatment?
Alienative therapy
Holistic care
c. Complementary care
Indidualized care
The tem complementary was proposed to describe therapies that can be used to complement or support conventional treatments Guided imagery, massage, and animal-assisted therapy are all excmples of complementary care. The term allermative denotes that a specific therapy is an option or allemative to what is considered conventional treatment of a condition or state. Holistic care focuses on human integrity and stresses that the body, mind, and spintare interdependent and inseparable Individualized care recognizes the uniqueness of each patient’s preferences, condition, and physiologic and psychosocial status
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding
087. Nursing Process Step: Implementation
TOP Caring for the Critically
MSC: NCLEX: Physiological lategrity: Basic Cand Comfort
7. A patient was admitted to a rural critical care unit in Montana Critical care nurses are assisting with monitoring and care of the patient from the closest major city. What is this
type of practice termed
4. Tele-hospital
Tele-ICU is a form of telemedicine. Telemedicine was initially used in outpatient areas, remote rural geographic locations, and areas where there was a dearth of medical providers. Currently, there are tele-ICUs in areas where there are limited resourons on-te However, expats (critical care nurses, intens) are located in a orntral distansie
PTS: 1
DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding
Bing Pros Srp
TOP Caring for the Critically
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